TREC research addresses complex transportation problems by drawing on multiple disciplines, including engineering, planning, economics and design, from across the Portland State University campus. Use the search box at right to search for a specific project.

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Research Highlights

FTA Manual on Pedestrian and Bicycle Connections to Transit

Jennifer Dill
Nathan McNeil
This manual provides a compendium of best practices to help transit and other transportation professionals improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and access to transit, including information on evaluating, planning for, and implementing improvements to pedestrian and bicycle access to transit. It was prepared by TREC for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Read More

Defining and Measuring Equitable Access to Washington Park in Portland, Oregon

Lisa Patterson
Marisa Zapata , Joe Broach
Photo by Brink Communications Explore Washington Park (EWP) is a 501c3 non-profit that serves as the Transportation Management Association for Washington Park. At 410 acres, Washington Park receives over 3 million visitors each year and is home to some of Portland’s most popular attractions including the International Rose Test Garden, Portland Japanese Garden, Oregon Zoo, Portland Children’s Museum, World Forestry, and Hoyt Arboretum. EWP, in partnership with Portland Parks & Recreation, ... Read More