PSU Transportation Seminar: Transportation Decarbonization: A State Perspective

Friday, October 4, 2024, 11:30am to 12:30pm PDT

Friday Transportation Seminars at Portland State University have been a tradition since 2000. We've opened up PSU Transportation Seminars to other days of the week, but the format is the same: Feel free to bring your lunch! If you can't join us in person, you can always watch online via Zoom.


    Oregon continues to be a leader in Transportation Decarbonization efforts nationally. The webinar will outline the state’s transportation GHG reduction roadmap, developed in 2012 to tackle legislatively mandated GHG reduction goals, with associated GHG targets for the state’s 8 metropolitan areas. Learn how this north star has guided our collective efforts within the state. How monitoring and new initiatives and regulations have kept us on course to these ambitious goals. And what actions remain to close the gap, both systematic changes at state and local levels, as well as individual choices by private firms and households. Actions that will both reduce vehicle miles travelled, as well as clean up each vehicle mile.


    • State regulations related to Transportation Sector decarbonization
    • State roadmap of actions to meet state and metropolitan GHG reduction goals
    • Progress over time on these actions and associated regulations
    • Current and...
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