Friday Transportation Seminar: Transportation Behavior Change...Now With SCIENCE!

FTS 2018 - Oct 12.png
Friday, October 12, 2018, 12:00pm to 1:00pm PDT
Jessica Roberts, Alta Planning + Design
Karl Miller Center at PSU, 615 SW Harrison St., Room 465
PDH: 1 | AICP: 1

Friday Transportation Seminars at Portland State University have been a tradition since 2000. With over 450 seminars presented and recorded (access the archive of seminars here), we host both visiting and local scholars to share the latest in research, technology, and implementation in transportation.


Missed the seminar or want a look back? 


How can we encourage people to make use of the transportation systems in place - to improve transit ridership and, in turn, to improve the health and happiness of our societies?

New findings in behavioral science could unlock new, more effective ways to change transportation behavior...but only if we have a way to find and use that evidence. TransLink (Vancouver BC) undertook a groundbreaking research effort to use cognitive biases to explain why people drive today, and and to identify possible "nudge" strategies to shift those trips to transit and active modes. The resulting report includes brand-new ideas that area ready to be tested by practitioners. Join us to learn about how academics and practitioners can join forces to create mode shift programs that work.


  • Understand basic concepts of behavioral science and how they relate to travel behavior
  • Learn about promising ideas from behavioral science that may help increase transit and active transportation use 
  • Discuss how these ideas might be put to use in existing and future programs


Jessica Roberts, Alta Planning + Design

Jessica directs behavior change campaigns to help people walk, bicycle, and take transit more often. She specializes in education, promotion, and marketing programs, including SmartTrips (individualized marketing) programs, Safe Routes to School programs, and Transportation Demand Management. Over the last ten years, programs under her direction have reached over 200,000 people across North America. Her current research interest is connecting behavioral science to transportation mode shift.


This 60-minute seminar is eligible for 1 hour of professional development credit for AICP (see our provider summary). We provide an electronic attendance certificate for other types of certification maintenance.


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