Principal Investigator Project Title
End Date
John MacArthur PeopleforBikes- Living Lab Evaluation 2026-07-30
John MacArthur Exploring Bike Bus Programs in the United States 2025-12-31
Nathan McNeil Division Street Transit Project: FX2 Shared Bicycle & Pedestrian Platform Evaluation 2024-12-31
Sirisha Kothuri Improving Accuracy and Precision of Bicycle Volume Estimates Using Advanced Machine Learning Approaches 2024-09-30
Sirisha Kothuri Exploring the Use of Crowdsourced Data Sources for Pedestrian Count Estimations 2024-06-30
John MacArthur Taxing Shared Micromobility: Assessing The Global Landscape Of Fees And Taxes And Their Implications For Cities, Riders, And Operators 2024-06-30
Tanmoy Bhowmik The Effect of Vehicle Mix on Crash Frequency and Crash Severity (NCHRP 22-49) 2024-01-01
Amy Lubitow Unequal realities and racialized geographies: Men of color biking in Portland 2023-11-14
Antonie Jetter SAI-P: Overcoming Barriers to User-Centered Infrastructure Planning with System Modeling and Natural Language Processing 2023-08-31
Hau Hagedorn NCA Trail Monitoring and Analysis Program 2023-08-12
John MacArthur Healthy and Reliable Transit Project 2023-06-30
Diane Moug Development of Reliable Geotechnical Methods for Standards for Design and Construction over Diatomaceous Silt 2023-05-15
Joe Broach Incorporating Bicycle Activity and Vehicle Travel Reduction from Bicycle Infrastructure into Strategic Planning Tools 2022-12-31
Maura Kelly 2022 Evaluation of the Highway Construction Workforce Development Program 2022-12-31
Nathan McNeil Launching the Wasatch Transportation Academy 2022-12-31
Liu-Qin Yang Do Travel Costs Matter For Persons With Lower Incomes? Using Psychological and Social Equity Perspectives to Evaluate the Effects of a Low-Income Transit Fare Program on Low-Income Riders 2022-12-31
Kelly Clifton Communicating Research through Comics: Transportation and Land Development 2022-12-15
Aaron Golub Portland Traffic and Transportation Class 2022 2022-12-15
Kelly Rodgers The use and influence of health indicators in transportation decision-making 2022-11-30
Jenny Liu Oregon Transportation Financial Analysis 2022-10-31
Liming Wang Integrate Socioeconomic Vulnerability for Resilient Transportation Infrastructure Planning 2022-10-31
John MacArthur How Can E-bike Purchase Incentives Grow the E-bike Market? 2022-09-30
Avinash Unnikrishnan Real-Time Stochastic Matching Models for Freight Electronic Marketplace 2022-08-03
Kelly Clifton Accessing Opportunities for Household Provisioning Post-COVID-19 2022-06-30
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