Many states are adopting the Safe System approach (USDOT, 2022) to improve traffic safety. As the role of speed in injury severity is becoming increasingly clear, one of the key elements of a Safe System approach is Safer Speeds. Specifically, higher motor vehicle speeds lead to higher injury…
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In a project funded by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Portland State University is partnering with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Safe Streets to develop guidance to help agencies identify the appropriate crosswalk spacing to ensure that people can…
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Transportation decision-makers typically use benefit-cost analysis (BCA) to evaluate the tradeoffs of transportation projects. However, it is difficult to produce state-specific measures that are multimodal and can consistently evaluate the full range of public and private benefits and costs for…
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This applied research project aims to adapt and further train YOLOv9 to enhance its ability to accurately detect, track, and count cyclists and pedestrians in video data from the Portland Metro Area. The method will also extract surrogate safety metrics, such as Post Encroachment Time, which are…
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Counts provide the foundation for measuring nonmotorized travel along a link or a network and are also useful for monitoring trends, planning new infrastructure, and for conducting safety, health, and economic analyses. Most agencies still use manual counting methods, however over the last decade,…
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Researchers will conduct an evaluation of the Better Bike Share Partnership (BBSP) Living Lab. BBSP provided five organizations in Detroit, Chicago, Cincinnati, Portland and Philadelphia with funding, support and resources to develop best practices addressing significant barriers to shared…
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This project is led by the Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at Portland State University (PSU), in collaboration with the Institute for Tribal Government (ITG) at PSU, Toole Design Group, the Highway Safety Research Center at University of North Carolina (UNC-HSRC), Sheri Bozic …
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Researchers created a qualitative dataset of public planning documents, community comments, forum conversations, newspaper articles, etc., about the SW Corridor Lightrail project in Portland, OR. The team will use this dataset to set up a series of experiments enabled by the ChatGPT4 LLM from Open…
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The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District Of Oregon (TriMet) is in need of specialized support to improve and promote effective resources in human wayfinding and navigation at its transit centers. Areas of need include, but are not limited to:
1. Tactile Maps: Providing tactile…
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The need for improving active transportation safety and mobility is clear, as the share of all road user deaths that are pedestrians or cyclists has risen nationally. The US Department of Transportation (US DOT), along with state DOTs across the nation, have made addressing this safety challenge a…
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Current fatality and serious injury trends continue to rise steeply for all road users, particularly vulnerable users, in both Washington State specifically and across the United States more broadly. While the United States Department of Transportation has formally adopted the Safe System Approach…
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Photo by Jonathan Maus, BikePortland
This research report, authored by Evan Howington, John MacArthur, and Nathan McNeil of PSU's Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC), concludes that bike buses have the potential to leverage the last 20 years of Safe Routes To School (SRTS)…
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