TREC/OAPA Webinar: Authentic Community Engagement

Webinar 2018 - Aug - OAPA Community Engagement.png
Thursday, August 30, 2018, 10:00am to 11:00am PDT
Eryn Kehe, Metro; Wendy Serrano, Trimet
PDH: 1 | AICP: 1


This free webinar is hosted by TREC in partnership with the Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association (OAPA).


Miss the webinar or want to take another look? You can view the presentation slides here.


This webinar will provide practical tools for designing effective and authentic community engagement for transportation projects. Too often, we can forget to ask ourselves who, what and why for our engagement processes.  Authentic community engagement requires us to think through exactly why we need to involve the public, how they can influence project decisions and who the most impacted people may be.  This session will walk you through the steps to plan a unique engagement approach for each project and share examples of what can happen when these tools are used correctly and what can go wrong when they are not.


These three important steps will make your community engagement more authentic and effective:

  • Identifying your audience. This is the first step because you can’t know how to reach people until you know which people you want to reach.
  • Developing goals and a strategy. You need a clear goal for your outreach. Understand why you need engagement and how that engagement will (or won’t) impact upcoming decisions, and use that to build a goal for what you want to achieve with your outreach. Your strategy is just a plan for activities to achieve your goal(s).
  • Meeting people where they are. Once you understand who you want to engage, why you are engaging them and how what you learn will be part of the decision-making process, you are ready to plan some activities/events. Understand your audience and figure out how to engage them the way they want to be engagement. This will make your activities most successful. Engagement should be easy, comfortable, safe, and if possible, fun.

Eryn Deeming Kehe, AICP; Senior Communications Specialist, Metro

Since 1999, Eryn Kehe has served as a liaison between government agencies and the people they serve. Ms. Kehe has extensive experience facilitating small groups, large events and collaboration between public agencies. She brings a strong passion for working with divergent groups through collaborative processes. She has designed and implemented public involvement and outreach programs for numerous visioning, land use, redevelopment/urban renewal and transportation projects in Oregon, Washington and California. Eryn earned her Masters in City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has served on the National Planning Accreditation Board and is a Board member for the Carleton College Alumni Annual Fund. She has volunteered as a mediator with Resolutions Northwest and Clackamas County Small Claims Court.

Wendy Serrano, Trimet 

Raised in Guadalajara, Mexico, Wendy is bilingual and bicultural. She immigrated to Milwaukie, Oregon with her family as an 11 year old, having to learn English and adjust to a different community structure. Wendy is passionate about advocacy and community engagement of underrepresented groups and has worked in Oregon over the last decade with various nonprofits, government leaders and public agencies in efforts to engage Latino and immigrant community groups in policy planning/implementation, education, economic development, affordable housing and transportation efforts. Wendy earned her Bachelor’s in Communication Studies at Portland State University and a Master’s in Business Administration from George Fox University. She serves as a board commissioner for Home Forward (formerly known as the Housing Authority of Portland).


This 60-minute webinar is eligible for 1 hour of professional development credit for AICP (see our provider summary). We provide an electronic attendance certificate for other types of certification maintenance.


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