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TREC research addresses complex transportation problems by drawing on multiple disciplines, including engineering, planning, economics and design, from across the Portland State University campus. Use the search box at right to search for a specific project.

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Research Highlights

Implementing Oregon’s Energy Plan: Opportunities for Operations and ITS

Jon Makler
Oregon’s 10-Year Energy Plan identifies intelligent transportation systems (ITS) as a key strategy for reducing energy consumption in the transportation sector. Other strategies, including fleet turnover, will take a look time to realize benefits for the state while ITS can be implemented and produce results sooner. This project’s goal was to identify operations/ITS opportunities whose near-term implementation or acceleration can aid the accomplishment of the energy plan’s goals. The research... Read More

Understanding the Accessibility, Economic and Social Equity Impacts of Urban Greenway Infrastructure

Jenny Liu
“City Greenways” is a concept proposed as a part of Portland’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan, which calls for a citywide network of park-like pedestrian and bicycle friendly streets crisscrossing the city at roughly three-mile intervals. This research establishes several approaches to measure the transportation network impact of the “City Greenways” and relate bicycle network measures to economic and social equity outcomes. Expanding upon existing literature, we derived three sets of bicycle ac... Read More