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TREC research addresses complex transportation problems by drawing on multiple disciplines, including engineering, planning, economics and design, from across the Portland State University campus. Use the search box at right to search for a specific project.

NOTE: If you're looking for projects from our partner campuses, use the NITC research search.

Research Highlights

Mobility and Accessibility Resilience of Transportation Infrastructures

David Yang
The objective is to address practical challenges related to mobility and accessibility following natural disasters. The anticipated outcome of this project will be to provide actionable insights and solutions that can be implemented in real-world transportation systems. By leveraging the available data from state DOTs and applying analytical techniques, our research will provide valuable insights and recommendations that can be readily implemented by transportation practitioners and stakehold... Read More

Understanding Types of Cyclists Nationally

Jennifer Dill
Nathan McNeil
Transportation professionals who are developing plans and projects that aim to change people’s travel behavior – such as getting more people to bicycle – need to understand the people they are targeting. To do so, planners and researchers have developed typologies of cyclists; however, many of these typologies are based upon surveys of current cyclists and, therefore, are of limited use in planning to attract new people to bicycling for transportation. One exception is the “Four Types of Cycl... Read More