Evaluation of landslide susceptibility in Portland’s West Hills

Diane Moug, Portland State University


Portland’s West Hills in the Tualatin Mountains are home to approximately 22,200 residents and 10,000 households, with supporting roads, utilities, and businesses (2010 Census data). The Tualatin Mountains are covered in wind deposited soils (“loess”) that the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) considers to have a high landslide susceptibility where slopes are sufficiently steep, and a very high landslide susceptibility in existing landslides (Multnomah County 2017). However, there remains uncertainty in Portland’s West Hills…Read more

Project Details

Project Type:
Project Status:
End Date:
December 15,2018
UTC Grant Cycle:
NITC 16 Diversity Grant
UTC Funding:

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