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TREC research addresses complex transportation problems by drawing on multiple disciplines, including engineering, planning, economics and design, from across the Portland State University campus. Use the search box at right to search for a specific project.

NOTE: If you're looking for projects from our partner campuses, use the NITC research search.

Research Highlights

National Scan of Bike Share Equity Programs

John MacArthur
Nathan McNeil , Joe Broach
As bike share systems around the United States have grown in number and size in recent years, there has been an increasing effort to ensure that those systems are accessible to all residents, particularly those who have the fewest resources or have been underserved in the past. The mobility landscape in 2019 is rapidly changing, with scooter and e-bike systems along with ride-hailing and ride-sharing companies contributing to a new and uncharted urban transportation scene. Meanwhile, bike sha... Read More

NCHRP 08-164: Institutional Integration of Active Transportation

Jennifer Dill
John MacArthur , Nathan McNeil
The need for improving active transportation safety and mobility is clear, as the share of all road user deaths that are pedestrians or cyclists has risen nationally. The US Department of Transportation (US DOT), along with state DOTs across the nation, have made addressing this safety challenge a priority, along with reducing emissions and improving health through increasing the use of active transportation for everyday travel. In many cases, solutions are also clear, including improved infr... Read More