TREC research addresses complex transportation problems by drawing on multiple disciplines, including engineering, planning, economics and design, from across the Portland State University campus. Use the search box at right to search for a specific project.
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Research Highlights
Active Travel Behavior and Spatial-Temporal Land Use Mixing
Steven Gehrke
Urban policies have emphasized the importance of land use mixing as an intervention beholding of lasting planning and public health benefits. Transportation planners have identified potential in efficiency gains achieved by increasing land use mix and the subsequent shortening of trip lengths; whereas, public health research has accredited increased land use mixing as an effective policy for facilitating greater physical activity. However, despite the myriad benefits and extent of topical res...
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Road User Understanding of Bicycle Signal Faces on Traffic Signals
Christopher Monsere
Sirisha Kothuri
The latest report from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), “Road User Understanding of Bicycle Signal Faces on Traffic Signals” (20-07/Task 420), zeroes in on some key gaps in research and practice around road users' comprehension of bicycle-specific traffic signal faces.
Led by Chris Monsere and Sirisha Kothuri of Portland State University, the research team included members from Oregon State University and Toole Design Group. The research team reviewed the current ...
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