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TREC research addresses complex transportation problems by drawing on multiple disciplines, including engineering, planning, economics and design, from across the Portland State University campus. Use the search box at right to search for a specific project.

NOTE: If you're looking for projects from our partner campuses, use the NITC research search.

Research Highlights

Subcontract: NCHRP 17-87 Enhancing Pedestrian Volume Estimation and Developing HCM Pedestrian Methodologies for Safe and Sustainable Communities

Christopher Monsere
Sirisha Kothuri , Nathan McNeil
Portland State University is a subcontractor on NCHRP 17-87 award to Kittelson & Associates, Inc: http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4373 Challenge Despite its prevalence as a transportation mode, walking receives less attention than the motor vehicle mode in terms of national guidance and methods to support planning, designing, and operating safe, functional, and comfortable facilities. Solution Kittelson partnered with Portland State University and the Hi... Read More

Methodologies to Quantify Transit Performance Metrics at the System-Level

Travis Glick
Performance metrics have typically focused at two main scales: a microscopic scale that focuses on specific locations, time-periods, and trips; and, a macroscopic scale that averages metrics over longer times, entire routes, and networks. When applied to entire transit systems, microscopic methodologies often have computational limitations while macroscopic methodologies ascribe artificial uniformity to non-uniform analysis areas. These limitations highlight the need for a middle approach. ... Read More