Operational Analysis of Transit Bus Collisions

James Strathman
This report analyzes factors contributing to bus operations safety incidents at TriMet, the transit provider for the Portland Oregon metropolitan region. The analysis focuses on 4,631 collision and non-collision incidents that occurred between 2006 a ... Read More

Evaluation of Bike Boxes at Signalized Intersections

Jennifer Dill
Christopher Monsere
This report presents a before-after study of bike boxes at 10 signalized intersections in Portland, Oregon. The bike boxes, also known as advanced stop lines or advanced stop boxes, were installed to increase visibility of cyclists and reduce conflic ... Read More

Financing Mechanisms for Capacity Improvements at Interchanges

James Strathman
This report examines the use of alternative local financing mechanisms for interchange and interchange area infrastructure improvements. The financing mechanisms covered include transportation impact fees, tax increment financing, value capture finan ... Read More

Rural Transit in Oregon: Current and Future Needs

Jennifer Dill
Margaret Neal
The purpose of the research reported was to identify the current status and needs for general public transportation in Oregon’s rural areas, as well as opportunities and barriers (e.g., funding, governance issues, and leadership) to expanding servi ... Read More

Trail Planning & Community Service Curriculum

Lynn Weigand
The objective of this project was to develop a new trail planning curriculum and conduct a regional trail research project in the Portland metropolitan area. The curriculum was created for a community service-based, University Capstone course at Port ... Read More

The Effectiveness of Vertebrate Passage and Prevention Structures: a Study of Boeckman Road in Wilsonville

Catherine Rivera
One of the most obvious impacts roads have on the natural world is direct mortality to individual animals that attempt to cross roads. A less obvious but likely more important impact of roads on many species is habitat fragmentation. The ability for ... Read More

Improving Regional Travel Demand Models for Bicycling

John Gliebe
Jennifer Dill
With growing concerns over the lack of physical activity, increase in greenhouse gases, and other threats to sustainability, planners, engineers, and policy makers are looking for ways to increase the use of alternative modes of travel. Bicycling ... Read More

Equity Analysis for the Existing and Planned Bicycle Network

Jennifer Dill
Portland’s current bicycle network has brought the city into the national spotlight as a  leader in the provision of cycling infrastructure.  As the city looks forward to 2030 with  ambitions of becoming a truly ... Read More

Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Curriculum Expansion

Lynn Weigand
This project broadened course offerings on bicycle and pedestrian transportation by redesigning and expanding an existing, threecredit undergraduate/graduate course into a five-credit course that includes an applied lab component. The course was open ... Read More

Expanding Development of the Oregon Traffic Safety Data Archive, Phase 2

Christopher Monsere
This report describes the preliminary work to develop the Oregon Traffic Safety Data Archive (OrTSDA). The mission of OrTSDA is to “build the knowledge base of traffic safety data in Oregon”. The archive hopes to become a valuable traffic safety ... Read More

A Novel Design Strategy for Integrating Freight Rail Into Urban Settings: A Capping Study

John Schnabel
This investigation seeks to explore specific design solutions that could potentially enhance the capabilities of heavy rail facilities while increasing their safety and reducing their environmental and community impacts. Using Portland's Brooklyn Rai ... Read More

Oregon Transportation Planning Experience

Carl Abbott
Samuel Lowry
This project was designed to outline transportation chapters of a planned written history of Oregon land use planning, written in ways that would make the transportation planning profession relevant to a popular audience. The writing would focus on s ... Read More
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