Evaluation of the Driver Improvement Program

James Strathman
This report provides an evaluation of the Oregon Department of Transportation-Driver and Motor Vehicle (DMV) Services Driver Improvement Program (DIP), which was substantially changed in 2002. Prior to 2002, the DIP was organized around four progress ... Read More

Transportation Financing Opportunities for the State of California

Asha Weinstein Agrawal
Jennifer Dill
Significant investments will be required to maintain, operate, upgrade, and expand California's transportation infrastructure if the state is to retain its economic position in the global economy and accommodate a projected near doubling of the curre ... Read More

Estimating the Impacts of TODs on Travel and Transit Use

Jennifer Dill
In recent years there has been a growing interest in using land use planning to reduce reliance on the automobile long-term, through ideas such as smart growth, New Urbanism, pedestrian pockets, and transit-oriented development (TODs). Many growing r ... Read More

An Evaluation of the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Environmental Streamlining Efforts: A Focus on CETAS

Connie Ozawa
Jennifer Dill
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) responded to the federal call in the late 1990s to streamline the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by (1) implementing organizational and procedural changes internal to the agency, (2) funding OD ... Read More

Impacts of a Vehicle Inspection and Trip Permit Program on Vehicle Operations and Equity

Jennifer Dill
Like most states, Oregon has a vehicle inspection program (VIP) to help meet air quality standards. Vehicles in the Portland and Rogue Valley areas must pass the test to get a certificate required to register the vehicle. Owners of vehicles that do n ... Read More

Institutional and Technology Options for VMT Data and Fee Collection Centers

Anthony Rufolo
The objective of this report is an analysis of public vs. private data and fee collection centers for vehicle miles traveled (VMT) fees. This includes the identification and evaluation of issues that will affect the relative desirability of the tw ... Read More

Implementing Oregon’s Energy Plan: Opportunities for Operations and ITS

Jon Makler
Oregon’s 10-Year Energy Plan identifies intelligent transportation systems (ITS) as a key strategy for reducing energy consumption in the transportation sector. Other strategies, including fleet turnover, will take a look time to realize benefits f ... Read More
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