Application of Smart Phone Truck Data for Freight Performance Measures and Transportation Planning

Miguel Andres Figliozzi
Oregon is one of the few states that currently charge a commercial truck weight-mile tax (WMT). The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has developed a data-collection system – Truck Road Use Electronics (TRUE) – to simplify WMT collection ... Read More

Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update Quantitative Case Studies

Kelly Clifton
Quantitative Case Studies for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update ODOT/USDOT ... Read More

Assessing Transit Agencies' Climate Change Adaptation Needs

John MacArthur
Climate change is posing unique and unprecedented challenges for the Nation's transportation system. Changing weather patterns and their associated physical, financial, and social impacts are affecting or will affect the way transportation pro ... Read More

Research and Development of a Land Use Scenario Modeling Tool, Phase 2

John Gliebe
Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) Transportation Planning and Analysis Unit (TPAU) developed a land use modeling tool called the “Land Use Scenario Developer in R” (LUSDR). LUSDR is a modeling tool, written in the “R” language, t ... Read More

Innovative Bicycle Facility Research and Analysis

Christopher Monsere
Jennifer Dill
Research conducted by Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Portland State University, and Toole Design Group ... Read More

Development, Deployment and Assessment of a New Paradigm for Transportation Professionals and University Students: a Collaboration of the Region X Transportation Consortium

Christopher Monsere
Traditionally, engineering coursework has been delivered in a lecture-based format with accompanying exercises assigned for time outside of class. The activity-based approach to learning aims to keep students engaged in and responsible for their own ... Read More

Seismic Retrofit Benefit Considering Statewide Transportation Assessment

Peter Dusicka
The bulk of the bridge inventory in Oregon was built prior to the current understanding of bridge response and prior to current understanding of the expected earthquake demands. While some bridges are being replaced due to other deficiencies, majorit ... Read More

Bus Safety Performance Monitoring and Analysis

James Strathman
This paper analyzes collision and non-collision incidents that occurred on TriMet’s bus system over a near two-year period. The bus route network was decomposed into stop and line haul segments, and a typology of models was estimated from segment l ... Read More

Relocation of Homeless People from ODOT Rights-of-Way

Ellen Bassett
Andree Tremoulet
In 2010, the Baldock Restoration Group relocated 37 homeless households from the Baldock Rest Area near Wilsonville. Relocated residents included both situationally homeless households (e.g., someone who had lost his job in the recent recession) as w ... Read More

Promoting Active School Travel by Making it Cool: a quasi-experimental study using Boltage

Yizhao Yang
Lynn Weigand , Ihab Elzeyadi , Noreen McDonald , William Harbaugh (consultant)
Research on children's school travel suggests two sets of factors critically affect the use of active school commuting modes (i.e., walking or biking) among children. The first involves external factors, such as trip distance, neighborhood walkabilit ... Read More

Integrated Multimodal Transportation, Air Quality, and Livability Corridor Study Phase II

Miguel Andres Figliozzi
Christopher Monsere , Linda George
The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is used to mitigate traffic congestion along urban arterial corridors. Although there has been research on SCATS’ performance, this report combines three different areas of research about SCATS ... Read More
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