Addressing Homeless Encampments on Public Right-of-Way: A Knowledge Transfer Project

Andree Tremoulet
This technology transfer project provided practical information about how to address homeless encampments on public right-of-way to transportation professionals, including Federal Highway Administration officials, Oregon public works directors, trans ... Read More

Lightweight Buckling Restrained Brace Prototype Evaluation

Peter Dusicka
Buckling restrained brace (BRB) is a structural component that has been developed to provide known and repeatable strength in both tension and compression. Over the last couple ofdecades, BRBs have seen broad adoption in buildings in areas ofmoderate ... Read More

Evaluation of an Eco-Driving Program: Changing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior

Donald Truxillo
Economical, ecological, and safe driving – eco-driving – is aimed at reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (Martin, Chan, & Shaheen, 2012). The adoption of energy-efficient driving styles and practices has been recognized as a me ... Read More

Evaluation of the Effect of Supportive Services on the Success of Apprentices in a Highway Trade

Maura Kelly
This project evaluates the impact of a Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) initiative that provides supportive services (i.e., child care subsidies; fuel assistance; support for overnight travel; and too ... Read More

Impacts of Electric Vehicle Charging on Electric Power Distribution Systems

Robert Bass
Electric Avenue, located on the PSU campus along SW Montgomery Street, is a joint project between Portland General Electric, Portland State University (PSU) and the City of Portland. Launched in August 2011, Electric Avenue is intended as a research ... Read More

Evaluation of Bike Boxes at Signalized Intersections: Phase 2

Christopher Monsere
Analyses of motor vehicle and police-reported crash data reveal that nearly 68 percent of bicycle crashes in Portland, Oregon occur at intersections (PDOT, 2004) which is consistent with national trends (Hunter et al., 1996). Hunter et al. (1996) ... Read More

Increasing Bicycling for Transportation: The Role of Cyclist Type and Infrastructure

Jennifer Dill
With an increased focus on reducing the effects of motor vehicle use on the environment, neighborhood livability, safety, and health, planners, engineers, and policy makers are looking to increase the attractiveness of walking and bicycling. The pot ... Read More

Operational Guidance for Bicycle-Specific Traffic Signals

Christopher Monsere
Miguel Andres Figliozzi
The research consisted of two phases: 1) a synthesis of practice and 2) and analysis of cyclist performance characteristics. The synthesis of current practice reviewed the literature, current engineering design and operational guidance documents, and ... Read More

Wider Dissemination of Household Travel Survey Data Using Geographical Perturbation Methods

Kelly Clifton
Public agencies spend considerable resources collecting information about passenger travel in household travel surveys. These data are valuable for the rich and detailed information they provide, which contribute to regional and statewide travel dema ... Read More

Better Representation of the Pedestrian Environment in Travel Demand Models

Kelly Clifton
Robert Schneider , Jennifer Toole
There is growing support for improvements to the quality of the walking environment, including more investments to promote pedestrian travel. Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are improving regional travel demand forecasting models to better ... Read More

Design and Implementation of Pedestrian and Bicycle-Specific Data Collection Methods in Oregon

Miguel Andres Figliozzi
Christopher Monsere
Although there is a growing need to access accurate and reliable pedestrian and bicycle data, there is no statewide system to collect data or plan future data collection efforts in the state of Oregon. To address these issues this research conducted ... Read More

Participation, Information, and Community Interests within Health Impact Assessments (HIA)

Nicole Iroz-Elardo
Health impact assessment (HIA) has emerged in the U.S. as one promising process to increase social and environmental justice through addressing health equity issues within planning. HIA practice is guided by values such as democracy and equity and gr ... Read More
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