A comprehensive roadmap for the development of low/no emission vehicle infrastructure in the Portland Metro region

John MacArthur
Peter Murchie , George Beard
The shift from combustion engines to low- and no-emission electric vehicles is underway and gaining momentum. During the last year, Oregon has become an active player in the electric vehicle arena, with a number of promising relationships and activit ... Read More

Permanent Freight Data Collection Infrastructure and Archive System

Christopher Monsere
Kristin Tufte
Freight transportation makes up a substantial portion of the daily vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in the Portland metropolitan area and is vital for the region’s economic vitality. Further, truck movements on the Portland area freeway system are impa ... Read More

Safety Investigation Manual Training with OSU

Christopher Monsere
Christopher Monsere and Karen Dixon provided training at Oregon State University for the ODOT Safety Investigation Manual (TREC project 555). The objective of this manual is to provide a resource to assist ODOT traffic investigators with highway safe ... Read More

Integrated Multimodal Transportation, Air Quality, and Livability Corridor Study: Measuring, Understanding, and Modeling the Interactions

Miguel Andres Figliozzi
Christopher Monsere , Linda George , Ashley Haire
The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is used to mitigate traffic congestion along urban arterial corridors. Although there has been research on SCATS’ performance, this report combines three different areas of research about SCAT ... Read More

SW Broadway Cycle Track & SW Stark/Oak Street Buffered Bike Lanes

Christopher Monsere
Jennifer Dill
Two innovative bicycle facilities installed in late summer and early fall 2009 in downtown Portland by the City of Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) were evaluated to understand how they are functioning on multiple levels. All of these facilit ... Read More

Strength & Fatigue of Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite Bridge Decks with Mechanical Deck to Stringer Connectors

Peter Dusicka
Final report available at: http://www.oregon.gov/odot/td/tp_res/docs/reports/2012/sr_500_490.pdf Replacement of the steel grating deck on the lift span of the Morrison Bridge in Portland, OR, will utilize glass fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) pane ... Read More

Metro DASH Model Implementation

John Gliebe
Final report at: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/TD/TP/docs/omug/concept.pdf Trip-based models are no longer adequate for some of the more complex questions. They fail to account for time of day sensitivity, dynamic congestion effects, variable pricing ... Read More

Valuation of Fair Value of DMV Records

Jenny Liu
This report evaluates the fair value of an exclusive license that authorizes the Oregon Department of Administrative Services (DAS) or another entity to be the exclusive provider of electronic access to the Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Division (D ... Read More

2010 Transit Oriented Developments Survey

Jennifer Dill
This report presents results from surveys of residents at several transit-oriented developments (TODs) in Portland, Gresham, Hillsboro, and Happy Valley. The research complements survey work done in 2005 at sites near three MAX stations in Hillsboro ... Read More

Application of WIM Data for Improved Modeling, Design, and Rating

Christopher Monsere
Christopher Higgins , Andrew Nichols
The objectives of this research are to: 1.) collect, sort, filter, and archive WIM data to permit development of long-term continuous records of high-quality WIM data and; 2.) use the WIM data archive to monitor WIM sensor health, develop loads for a ... Read More

Evaluation of Safe Routes to School Programs: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Parental Decision-Making

Lynn Weigand
Noreen McDonald
In the United States, walking to school declined from 42% of 5-18 year olds in 1969 to 16% in 20011 . The US Department of Transportation has responded to this dramatic decrease by funding the Safe Routes to School program for $612 million in SAFETEA ... Read More

A Study of Headway Maintenance for Bus Routes: Causes and Effects of "Bus Bunching" in Extensive and Congested Service Areas

Miguel Andres Figliozzi
Gerardo Lafferriere , Wu-chi Feng
A healthy and efficient public transit system is indispensable to reduce congestion, emissions, energy consumption, and car dependency in urban areas. The objective of this research is to 1) develop methods to evaluate and visualize bus service relia ... Read More
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