Suburban Black Poverty in East Portland: The Role of Transportation in Making Ends Meet

Steven Howland
Portland has faced a mass displacement of Black households from the historically segregated area of Albina through various phases of urban renewal, urban deterioration, and gentrification. A substantial number of them have moved to East Portland, a s ... Read More

Land Use and Transportation Policies for a Sustainable Future with Autonomous Vehicles: Scenario Analysis with Simulations

Liming Wang
Yao-Jan Wu
Even though there are tremendous uncertainties in the timing and evolution path of the Autonomous Vehicles (AV) technology, it may become a likely reality within most MPOs' long-range regional transportation plan horizon of twenty years. Yet a recent ... Read More

Bicycle Detection and Feedback Assessment

Christopher Monsere
David Hurwitz , Sirisha Kothuri
Bicycling is increasing in the United States -- the number of trips made by bicycle more than doubled from 1.7 billion trips in 2001 to 4 billion in 2009 (National Household Travel Survey, 2009). With the increase in bicycling rates, there is a criti ... Read More

Addressing Oregon’s Rise in Deaths and Serious Injuries for Senior Drivers and Pedestrians

Christopher Monsere
Sirisha Kothuri , Jason Anderson , David Hurwitz
The research reviewed best practices, identified overrepresentations of serious crashes involving older drivers and pedestrians using Oregon crash data, and mapped the best practices and countermeasures. From 2013 to 2016, there were 884 older driver ... Read More

Policy Implications of ORS 366.514 -- The Oregon Bike Bill

Hau Hagedorn
Driving is ubiquitous, convenient, and the default transportation mode choice for most Americans. While driving is convenient and efficient, vehicle emissions contribute to significant congestion and high concentrations of greenhouse gases. The Orego ... Read More

Subcontract: NCHRP 17-87 Enhancing Pedestrian Volume Estimation and Developing HCM Pedestrian Methodologies for Safe and Sustainable Communities

Christopher Monsere
Sirisha Kothuri , Nathan McNeil
Portland State University is a subcontractor on NCHRP 17-87 award to Kittelson & Associates, Inc: Challenge Despite its prevalence as a transportation mode, walking receives less ... Read More

S.T.E.A.M. TRAINing: Engaging High School Girls in Transportation and Equity Issues through GIS

Randy Morris
Nancee Hunter
The Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies’ Community Geography program wishes to apply for a grant to develop the curriculum for a 1-2 week lab course in transportation-focused mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), to be held in th ... Read More

Road User Understanding of Bicycle Signal Faces on Traffic Signals

Christopher Monsere
Sirisha Kothuri
The latest report from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), “Road User Understanding of Bicycle Signal Faces on Traffic Signals” (20-07/Task 420), zeroes in on some key gaps in research and practice around road users' compre ... Read More

Modeling the Sustainability of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Technologies

Miguel Andres Figliozzi
In the past decade, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have become increasingly more popular in the commercial sector. Drones are being used for all kinds of purposes, such as surveillance, inspecting architecture, filming, wildlife research, and more. F ... Read More

Development of a CDSS Database to Evaluate Effects of Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction on Bridge Foundations and Transportation Network

Arash Khosravifar
A magnitude 9.0 earthquake by the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) is believed to be capable of causing widespread soil liquefaction in the Pacific Northwest (PACNW). Affected infrastructures include highway bridges specifically the ones crossing the C ... Read More

Revisiting TODs: How Subsequent Development Affects the Travel Behavior of Residents in Existing Transit-Oriented Developments

Nathan McNeil
Jennifer Dill
Does living in a transit-oriented development (TOD) actually change the way people travel? That's the fundamental question that 15 years of research in Portland, Oregon seeks to answer. Since 2005, Portland State University has worked with Portlan ... Read More

Developing Data, Models, and Tools to Enhance Transportation Equity

Amy Lubitow
Julius McGee , Raoul Liévanos
Data from travel surveys are used to forecast demand, inform transportation investments, and craft urban policies. Because these data are so essential to shaping our transportation system, it is critical that hard-to-reach populations—such as low-i ... Read More
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