This three-day workshop offers strategies for building and strengthening communities around increased walking and bicycling. You'll learn and experience firsthand the design of various, successful active transportation programs that incorporate these strategies.

We kick it off with city staff on a behind-the-scenes learning tour of Portland's Sunday Parkways, the city's premiere Open Streets initiative that attracts over 80,000 participants annually. The subsequent days delve into other transportation demand management (TDM) and transportation options programs that play a key role in helping more people to bike, walk, and use transit.

This course offers insights and strategies to make the case for policymakers, inspire communities, and build a movement toward healthier, more active cities. 

IBPI Workshop: Comprehensive Bikeway Design

This year's workshop will be held Aug 25–29, 2025

As Portland, Oregon has put bikeway plans into effect, we’ve learned what works and what doesn’t—how to plan effectively, design correctly and make investments that get results. We’ve distilled those lessons into this course, which covers the fundamentals of bikeway design and planning through an intensive week of interactive classroom, field tours, and design exercises. 

Instructors draw from their years of experience, along with project examples, to highlight practical applications of the principles and techniques covered. The pioneers and leading practitioners in the field will teach the fundamentals of bikeway planning and design through an intensive week of classroom sessions and tours. The instruction and interaction with other participants will bring you up to speed on innovative practice and research and teach you the skills and techniques you need to get started on your next project. 

Over the years, the Portland area has implemented numerous types of innovative bicycle facilities and treatments. Daily field tours provide first-hand experience with these facilities and projects discussed in the classroom. These tours showcase not just the operational qualities but also how bikeway planning affects community livability and economic development.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Make low-risk investments in proven bicycle plans and facilities
  • Select the appropriate bicycle facility design based on urban form, traffic conditions and multimodal context
  • List the different ways that a bicycle facility can meet or not meet the needs of people who bike
  • Use the FHWA Experiment process to test innovative bikeway design
  • Describe the tradeoffs of designing better facilities to accommodate all road users
  • Identify various options for treating intersections that incorporate bicycle facilities
  • Describe the health benefits of active transportation
  • Identify opportunities, strategies and programs to encourage more people to bike and walk
  • Talk to an engineer and communicate effectively with them about facility requirements
  • Build their personal network with experts from the various facets of bikeway design
  • Feel rejuvenated and excited to go back to work and make an impact!

Our programs serve a wide variety of transportation education and research needs of our faculty, partners, community members, and future transportation professionals. TREC is home to everything transportation at Portland State University. Use the menu to browse the different programs of TREC.

The Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans) is the Regional University Transportation Center (UTC) for Federal Region 10, housed at University of Washington (UW). Each year, PacTrans provides PSU with $150,000 to fund “small research projects.” Those projects must be selected using a competitive, peer-review process. The Year 3 Request For Proposals (RFP) is open now. PSU plans to award no more than three projects. Therefore, individual project requests should range from $30,000 to $70,000. 

Abstracts are due May 6, with full proposals due June 3, 2025.

Download the RFP and other relevant documents, and find instructions for how to submit a proposal, on the PSU PacTrans page.

Portland State University's Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) is a multidisciplinary hub for all things transportation. We are home to the Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI), the data programs PORTAL and BikePed Portal, the Better Block PSU program, and PSU's membership in PacTrans, the Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium. Our continuing goal is to produce impactful research and tools for transportation decision makers, expand the diversity and capacity of the workforce, and engage students and professionals through education, seminars, and participation in research. To get updates about what's happening at TREC, sign up for our monthly newsletter or follow us on social media. 

Every time a pedestrian pushes a button to cross the street, it creates a useful data point about how many people are walking through that intersection. Now, transportation planners and engineers in Oregon have easy access to that data: The newest feature we've added to BikePed Portal is a dashboard that lets you explore the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)'s pedestrian push-button data from all over the state.

ODOT has shared this data with Portland State University (PSU) for use in BikePed Portal, so that users can see where and how people interact with pedestrian crossings at signalized intersections. The dashboard (watch a walkthrough here) is still being developed and is anticipated to eventually include data from more agencies in addition to ODOT.


Many, if not all, active transportation projects rely on pedestrian volumes to measure pedestrian exposure, or the number of potential opportunities for a pedestrian to be involved in a crash with a moving vehicle. By analyzing usage patterns, practitioners can prioritize upgrades at high-demand or problematic locations, ensure compliance with ADA standards, and inform pedestrian infrastructure planning. The potential applications of push-button data are numerous, and just a couple of examples are highlighted below.

The new dashboard is a useful resource to help agencies improve signal timing, accessibility, and safety for all road users, as well as guide future investments in walkability. 


Researchers are exploring methods to convert the push-button data into complete pedestrian counts for the transportation network. At the 2025 annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Sirisha Kothuri, Joe Broach and Elizabeth Yates of PSU presented a study along with Mahyar Vahedi Saheli and Patrick Singleton of Utah State University on "Pedestrian Volumes from Push-Button Traffic Signal Data in Oregon: Estimating Models and Assessing Model Transferability [PDF - add link to poster)" in which they used the ODOT data, along with video recordings, to estimate pedestrian counts. They also developed a workflow to integrate pedestrian traffic counts into ODOT’s enterprise traffic data system. 

The initial research was funded by ODOT, as well as some funding support for the dashboard. Learn about the models used to calculate estimated pedestrian volumes in the final report, or watch a recorded seminar to learn more.

ODOT's research unit has also documented a use case for the data—see Pedestrian Traffic Estimation for Liquidation Costs—and is developing more.


At Utah State, Singleton used similar data in Utah to do safety analysis. One paper examined the frequency and severity of crashes involving pedestrians, and another developed improved methods to predict crashes at signalized intersections. The research team wanted to examine whether the “safety in numbers” effect applies to pedestrian safety in the US. Both papers used push-button data as a novel data source to measure pedestrian exposure.

As pedestrian safety and accessibility continue to be top priorities in transportation planning, innovative uses of existing infrastructure—like push-button data—are opening up new possibilities for research, analysis, and informed decision-making. The addition of this new dashboard to BikePed Portal marks an important step in making pedestrian activity more visible for agencies across Oregon. By leveraging this data, planners and researchers can better understand walking patterns, identify safety risks, and ultimately create safer, more walkable communities. 

As the dashboard grows to include data from more jurisdictions, its value will only increase—offering a powerful tool to support equitable and evidence-based improvements in pedestrian infrastructure.


Cities and agencies interested in partnering across the region to improve transportation data access should reach out to our team at We are interested in adding more push-button data, as well as other types of nonmotorized data. 

We accept data in multiple formats (including EcoCounter API, TrafX, manual, turning movement), and convert it all into a standardized format. We offer quality control, quality assurance, and more. Learn about the services that BikePed Portal offers.


Additional resources have recently been added to BikePed Portal:

Photo by Mariakray/iStock

Portland State University's Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) is a multidisciplinary hub for all things transportation. We are home to the Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI), the data programs PORTAL and BikePed Portal, the Better Block PSU program, and PSU's membership in PacTrans, the Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium. Our continuing goal is to produce impactful research and tools for transportation decision makers, expand the diversity and capacity of the workforce, and engage students and professionals through education, seminars, and participation in research. To get updates about what's happening at TREC, sign up for our monthly newsletter or follow us on social media. 


Spring term classes begin March 31 at Portland State, and there are a good selection of transportation courses available this term. As of March 20, there are still a couple of spots remaining in the Urban Studies Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning course, in which students will work on Better Block PSU community projects. Check out the listings below to see what else is on offer at PSU this Spring.

Not a current PSU student? You can still take a course: Anyone interested can register for classes through the non-degree application process, as a post-baccalaureate student, or for free if you're a senior citizen. Taking a course can be a good way to see if one of our graduate degree programs is right for you. 

Urban Studies and Planning (USP)

USP 548 Public Transportation Planning

Instructor: Aaron Golub

Delivery: In person, Thursday 1–3:30 PM

Public transit ridership and investments have been growing for the past two decades as regions around the world grapple with worsening congestion, growing concerns about climate change, health, and social equity, and a reinvigoration of urban living and sustainable lifestyles. This course will introduce students to processes, policies and rules concerning the planning of public transit systems and the development of new transit investments, focusing mostly on buses and light rail.

USP 565 Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning

Instructor: Drusilla van Hengel

Delivery: In person, Friday 9:30 AM–12:20 PM

Examines the importance of walking and bicycling as means of transportation in a sustainable urban environment. Covers planning, design, implementation, and maintenance of bikeways and walkways, as well as ancillary facilities such as bicycle parking. Focus on the role of education, advocacy, and outreach in improving walking and bicycling conditions. Study relevant examples from various cities, with a heavy emphasis on Portland's experience.

Civil and Environmental Engineering (CE)

Non-degree or non-PSU students should contact the Civil Engineering Academic Program Manager at in order to register for a CE course, as the system requires an approval to process the registration.

CE 510 Econometric Modeling

Instructor: Tanmoy Bhowmik

Delivery: In person, Mon/Wed 4:40–6:30 PM

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

This course focuses on applying advanced models to transportation data. It goes beyond basic statistical models by addressing complex relationships and improving real-world decision-making.

CE 524 Computational Methods of Structural Analysis

Instructor: Thomas Schumacher

Delivery: In Person

Prerequisite: CE 325

Fundamental concepts of analysis for statically determinate and indeterminate structures utilizing matrices and computers; displacement and force methods applied to trusses and rigid frames; techniques for the analysis of large complex structures for static and dynamic loads. This is the first course in a sequence of two: CE 524 and CE 525. 

Friday Transportation Seminars

Fridays, Noon Pacific

Offered as a class for credit in the Fall, the Friday Transportation Seminar series at PSU is not a for-credit class in Winter or Spring terms. However, seminars will be scheduled periodically during the Winter and Spring terms, and students are always encouraged to attend. The seminars are open to the public, and can be watched online from anywhere. You can find upcoming seminars on the TREC website.

Urban Studies and Planning Bachelor + Master (B+M) 

The Toulan School at Portland State University has a new enrollment option called the Urban Studies and Planning Bachelor + Master (B+M) Program. The B+M allows junior- and senior-level students enrolled in the undergraduate Community Urban Studies and Planning (CUSP) program to earn up to twenty hours of college credit that count toward both their CUSP degree and Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) degree. For students who want to pursue a career in urban planning, a master’s degree is usually necessary. The B+M provides a cost-effective option that ensures enrollment in a master’s program while still completing an undergrad degree. Learn more about this program.

Graduate Certificate in Transportation

The two disciplines, planning and engineering, also collaborate to offer a Graduate Certificate in Transportation for established professionals looking for a deeper understanding of transportation disciplines. Increasingly, transportation professionals need multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills to anticipate social, environmental, and technological trends and incorporate them into intelligently-integrated transportation systems. The Graduate Certificate in Transportation will offer you advanced education at the intersection of urban planning and civil engineering for those seeking to build upon their knowledge and credentials.

Portland State University's Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) is a multidisciplinary hub for all things transportation. We are home to the Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI), the data programs PORTAL and BikePed Portal, the Better Block PSU program, and PSU's membership in PacTrans, the Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium. Our continuing goal is to produce impactful research and tools for transportation decision makers, expand the diversity and capacity of the workforce, and engage students and professionals through education, seminars, and participation in research. To get updates about what's happening at TREC, sign up for our monthly newsletter or follow us on social media.