Seminar Topic Date Speaker Archive
Friday Transportation Seminar: Advisory Bike Lanes in North America 10/20/2017 Michael Williams, Alta Planning + Design
Friday Transportation Seminar: Safety Effectiveness of Pedestrian Crossing Treatments 10/13/2017 Chris Monsere, Portland State University
Friday Transportation Seminar: Utilizing High-Resolution Archived Transit Data to Study Before-and-After Travel-Speed and Travel-Time Conditions 10/06/2017 Travis Glick, Ph.D. Student, Portland State University
Friday Transportation Seminar: Bicycle Safety (and Other) Research at CARRS-Q in Brisbane, Australia 09/29/2017 Narelle Haworth, Queensland University of Technology
Webinar: The Effects of Demand-Responsive Parking on Transit Usage and Congestion: Evidence from SFpark 09/26/2017 Nicole Ngo, University of Oregon
Webinar: Breaking Barriers to Bike Share: Insights on Equity 08/22/2017 Nathan McNeil, Jennifer Dill and John MacArthur; Portland State University
Webinar: Land Use Mix and Pedestrian Travel Behavior: Advancements in Conceptualization and Measurement 07/25/2017 Steven Gehrke, Portland State University
Environmentally Sustainable and Affordable Housing Near Transit in Los Angeles 06/09/2017 Marlon Boarnet, University of Southern California
China's Motorization Wave and the Place of Emerging Technologies 06/02/2017 Christopher Cherry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Annual Metro Regional Trail Count and Why Local Extrapolation Factors Matter 05/26/2017 Geoff Gibson, Metro
Webinar: Developing Practical Dynamic Evaluation Methods for Transportation Structures 05/25/2017 C.J. Riley, Oregon Institute of Technology
Inequities in Urban Mobility in Portland: Understanding Community Vulnerability and Prospects for Livable Neighborhoods 05/19/2017 Amy Lubitow, Portland State University
Network Congestion Effect of E-Hailing Transportation Services 05/12/2017 Xuegang (Jeff) Ban, University of Washington
Behavior-Based Freight Modeling at Metro 05/05/2017 Chris Johnson and Bud Reiff, Metro
Transport Planning in Delft, Netherlands 04/28/2017 Jan Nederveen, City of Delft
Webinar: Integrating Equity into Regional Transportation Planning 04/27/2017 Kristine Williams, University of South Florida
Webinar: Economic Impacts from Bicycle and Pedestrian Street Improvements 04/25/2017 Jenny Liu, Portland State University
A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Latent Demand: Accounting for Unrealized Activities and Travel 04/21/2017 Kelly Clifton, Portland State University
Getting to Know the Data: Understanding assumptions, sensitivities, uncertainty, and being "conservative" while using ITE's Trip Generation Data in the Land Development Process 04/14/2017 Kristi Currans, Portland State University
Urbanism Next: How technology is changing our city 04/07/2017 Nico Larco, University of Oregon
Dynamic Assignment Models and their Application in the Portland Metro Region 03/17/2017 Peter Bosa, Oregon Metro
Addressing Data Challenges for Bicycle Crash Analysis 03/10/2017 Eleni Christofa, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Big data and the future of travel modeling 03/03/2017 Greg Macfarlane, WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff
Student Presentations from TRB, Week 3: Positive Utility of Travel & Impact of Bike Facilities 02/24/2017 Patrick Singleton and Wei Shi, Portland State University
Webinar: Integrating explicit and implicit methods in travel behavior research: A study of driver attitudes and bias 02/21/2017 Tara Goddard, Portland State University
