Webinar: Mobility, Accessibility, and Resiliency of Community-Dwelling Older Adults |
01/26/2022 |
Kate Hyun, Kathy Lee, and Caroline Krejci; University of Texas at Arlington |
Friday Transportation Seminar: PSU Student Research from the TRB 2022 Annual Meeting |
01/21/2022 |
Darshan Chauhan and Sangwan Lee, PSU |
Transportation Data Webinar: Current Landscape of Probe Data and a Look into Vendors Providing Access |
12/15/2021 |
Scott Lee and Mark Skaggs, IDAX |
Friday Transportation Seminar: A New Approach to Transportation Pricing: Lessons from the POEM Project |
12/03/2021 |
Shoshana Cohen and Emma Sagor, PBOT |
Friday Transportation Seminar: The Urban Freight System and Its Supporting Infrastructure |
11/19/2021 |
Gabriela Girón-Valderrama, PBOT |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Vehicular Design and Resource Allocation Policies for Equitable Road Safety |
11/12/2021 |
Alyssa Ryan, University of Arizona |
Webinar: Radar Point Cloud Segmentation using GMM in Traffic Monitoring |
11/09/2021 |
Siyang Cao, University of Arizona |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Economic Impacts of Street Improvements: Findings from the Portland Metro Area |
11/05/2021 |
Jennifer Dill and Jenny Liu, PSU |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Pedestrian Safety and Social Equity in Oregon |
10/29/2021 |
Josh Roll, ODOT; Nathan McNeil, PSU |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Transportation Planning in Tribal Communities: From Plan Development to Implementation |
10/22/2021 |
Cole Grisham, FHWA |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Retention of a Diverse Construction Workforce |
10/15/2021 |
Maura Kelly, PSU |
Webinar: The Impact of Transportation-Related Barriers on Self-Perceived Physical Health among Adults in the US |
10/12/2021 |
Philip Baiden and Godfred Boateng, University of Texas at Arlington |
Friday Transportation Seminar: An Assessment of Bicycle Detection Confirmation and Countdown Devices |
10/08/2021 |
Chris Monsere and Sirisha Kothuri, PSU; David Hurwitz, OSU |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Turning Streets Into Housing |
10/01/2021 |
Adam Millard-Ball, UCLA |
Webinar: Data-Driven Mobility Strategies for Multimodal Transportation |
09/15/2021 |
Yao-Jan Wu and Abolfazl Karimpour, University of Arizona; Xianfeng (Terry) Yang, University of Utah |
Summer Transportation Camp at PSU: Girls |
08/09/2021 |
Partner Event: 2021 World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research |
08/09/2021 |
Transportation Data Webinar: A Brief Introduction to Relational Databases & SQL |
07/21/2021 |
Kristin Tufte, Portland State University |
Summer Transportation Camp at PSU: All Genders |
07/19/2021 |
Webinar: Electric Bus Deployment: Cost and Environmental Equity |
06/08/2021 |
Cathy Liu, University of Utah |
Webinar: Eliminating Cash Options for Public Transit Fares: Costs, Benefits and Equity Impacts |
05/11/2021 |
Aaron Golub, Portland State University |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Transportation and Gentrification: Impacts on Low-income Black Households in Portland |
05/07/2021 |
Steven Howland, Portland State University |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Oregon Walks Pedestrian Crash Report: Causes, Effects, and Recommendations |
04/23/2021 |
Ashton Simpson and Scott Kocher, Oregon Walks; Brandon Summers, Forum Law Group |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Evaluation of a Transportation Incentive Program for Affordable Housing Residents |
04/16/2021 |
Roshin Kurian, PBOT; Huijun Tan, Nathan McNeil and John MacArthur, Portland State University |
Webinar: Rethinking Streets During COVID |
04/06/2021 |
Clare Haley, John Larson-Friend, Marc Schlossberg and Aliza Whalen, University of Oregon |