PSU Transportation Seminar: Incorporating Equity into Planning for Operations and Transportation System Management |
10/27/2023 |
Caleb Winter, Metro; Pamela Vasudeva, WSDOT |
PSU Transportation Seminar: TriMet & TOD – Opportunities for Growth |
10/20/2023 |
Fiona Lyon and Miles Anderson, Trimet |
PSU Transportation Seminar: Transportation Planning in an Aging Society |
10/13/2023 |
Shengxiao (Alex) Li, University of Oregon |
PSU Transportation Seminar: The Green New Deal and Transit Investment |
10/06/2023 |
Eric Bruun, Author of "Sustainable Infrastructure Investment" |
PSU Transportation Seminar: Geotechnical Reconnaissance Following the 2023 Türkiye/Syria Earthquake |
09/29/2023 |
Diane Moug, Portland State University |
Webinar: COVID-19's Impact on Travel: Shifting Multimodal Behaviors |
07/25/2023 |
Yizhao Yang and Rebecca Lewis, University of Oregon |
Webinar: Transportation Resources And Behaviors Among Older Immigrants And Migrants |
06/08/2023 |
Rebecca Mauldin, Stephen Mattingly and Rupal Parekh, University of Texas at Arlington |
PSU Transportation Seminar: Confessions of a Traffic Engineer: How the MUTCD Impacts Everything |
05/25/2023 |
Peter Koonce, Portland Bureau of Transportation |
Webinar: Collecting and Analyzing Pedestrian Behaviors at Intersections Using LiDAR Tracking Technologies |
05/18/2023 |
Taylor Li, University of Texas at Arlington; Sirisha Kothuri, Portland State University |
PSU Transportation Seminar: Celebrating 20 years of PORTAL |
05/11/2023 |
Basem Elazzabi and Tammy Lee, Portland State University |
PSU Transportation Seminar: Explore Regional Variation in the Effects of Built Environment on Driving with High Resolution U.S. Nationwide Data |
05/04/2023 |
Liming Wang, Portland State University |
PSU Transportation Seminar: The Use And Influence Of Health Indicators In Municipal Transportation Plans |
04/20/2023 |
Kelly Rodgers, Portland State University |
Webinar: Planning and Development in Gateway Communities, Post COVID |
03/16/2023 |
Philip Stoker, University of Arizona |
Webinar: Improving Recreational Trail Accessibility with a Volcanic Ash Treatment |
02/23/2023 |
Charles (C.J.) Riley and Ashton Greer, Oregon Institute of Technology |
PSU Transportation Seminar: Transportation Safety Culture: Where we are and what it means |
02/16/2023 |
Tara Goddard, Texas A&M |
PSU Transportation Seminar: Transforming Commercial Arterials into Bicycle Highways: Using Count Data |
02/09/2023 |
Nicholas Smith, Eco-Counter |
Webinar: Individual Wayfinding in the Context of Visual Impairment, Blindness, and Deafblindness |
12/15/2022 |
Amy Parker and Martin Swobodzinski, Portland State University |
Friday Transportation Seminar: The Next Wave of Abolishing Parking Mandates |
12/02/2022 |
Catie Gould and Jeannette Lee, Sightline Institute |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Moving From Probabilistic to Time-Based On-Time Performance |
11/18/2022 |
Miles Crumley, TriMet |
Friday Transportation Seminar: System-level Risk Management of Transportation Structures and Networks |
11/04/2022 |
David Yang, PSU |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Freight Moves the Oregon Economy |
10/28/2022 |
Becky Knudson, ODOT |
Research Into Comics Workshop |
10/28/2022 |
Friday Transportation Seminar: How COVID-19 Changed Our Cities: Evidence from a Multi-Wave National Survey |
10/21/2022 |
Deborah Salon, Arizona State University |
Webinar: Community Transportation Academies: Rethinking Effective Community Engagement Around Transportation Decision-Making |
10/20/2022 |
Nathan McNeil, PSU; Keith Bartholomew, UU; Andrea Olson, UDOT; Laura Hanson, Utah GOPB; Thuy Tu, Thuy Tu Consulting |
Friday Transportation Seminar: Bringing Complete Streets to Reality in State Transportation Projects |
10/14/2022 |
Celeste Gilman, WSDOT |