Seminar Topic Date Speaker Archive
Peak Pedaling: Has Portland Bicycling reached the Top of the Logistic Curve? 12/06/2013 Robert McCullough, McCullough Research
Piloting Portland's MultiModal Arterial Performance System 11/22/2013 Shaun Quayle, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
An Analytical Derivation of the Capacity at Weaving Sections 11/20/2013 Florian Marczak, University of Lyon
Cyclist Compliance at Signalized Intersections 11/15/2013 Sam Thompson, Portland State University
Why doesn't that traffic signal ever turn green? An evaluation of roadway markings for cyclists 11/08/2013 Stefan Bussey, Portland State University
Clouds, Crowds, and Traffic: What 10 emerging Megatrends mean for the future of transportation 11/01/2013 Ted Trepanier, INRIX, Inc.
Congestion modeling and mitigation in the National Airspace System 10/25/2013 David Lovell, University of Maryland
E-Bikes in the United States 10/18/2013 John MacArthur, OTREC at PSU
Transportation Analysis Informing Transportation Planning and Policy at ODOT 10/11/2013 Alexander Bettinardi, ODOT
Using Empirical (real-world) Transportation Data to Extend Travel Demand Model Capabilities 10/04/2013 Michael Mauch, DKS Associates
Inaccessible Accessibility: low-income households and barriers to the “new American dream” 06/07/2013 Arlie Adkins, Portland State University
Skateboarding as Transportation: Findings from Exploratory Research 05/31/2013 Tessa Walker, Portland State University
Are Bicycling and Walking “Cool?”: Adolescent Attitudes about Active Travel 05/24/2013 Tara Goddard, Portland State University
Making Urban Transport Sustainable: Comparison of Germany and the USA 05/17/2013 Ralph Buehler, Virginia Tech
Schedule-based Public Transportation Planning Model and Integration with Other Transportation Planning Models 05/10/2013 Hyunsoo Noh, University of Arizona
Lessons Learned from the Transportation Buzzword "Livability" 05/03/2013 Lisa Aultman-Hall, University of Vermont
Four Types of Cyclists: What do we know and how can it help? 04/26/2013 Jennifer Dill, Portland State University
Oregon DOT Jurisdictionally Blind Safety Program 04/19/2013 Douglas Bish, ODOT
Healthy Food Accessibility and Food Deserts in Seattle, WA 04/12/2013 Junfeng Jiao, Ball State University
Walking and Biking on their Own: Modeling Children's Independent Travel to Neighborhood Parks and Schools 04/05/2013 Joseph Broach, Ph.D. Candidate, Portland State University
Homeless Encampments on Public Right-of-Way: An Opportunity for Collaboration 03/15/2013 Andrée Tremoulet, Portland State University
Complete Streets Policy, Planning and Implementation 03/08/2013 Jessica Horning, Oregon DOT
Determinants of VMT in Urban Areas: A Panel Study of 87 US Urban Areas 1982-2009 03/01/2013 Starr McMullen and Nathan Eckstein, Oregon State University
Milepost 2016 Remember, Restore, Reconnect 02/22/2013 Kristen Stallman, Oregon Department of Transportation
The Economics of Bicycling 02/15/2013 Kelly Clifton, Portland State University
