Seminar Topic Date Speaker Archive
The Future of the MUTCD 02/08/2013 Gene Hawkins, Texas Transportation Institute
Pedestrians in Regional Travel Demand Forecasting Models: State-of-the-Practice 02/01/2013 Patrick Singleton, Portland State University
Confessions of a Traffic Engineer: The Misuse of Level of Service and its Impact on Active Transportation 01/25/2013 Peter Koonce, Portland Bureau of Transportation
PSU TRB Presentations - Week 2 01/18/2013 Oliver Smith, Colin Rowan and Alex Bigazzi; Portland State University
PSU TRB Presentations - Week 1 01/11/2013 Steve Gehrke, Katie Bell and Chris Muhs; Portland State University
Managed Lanes in Orlando, FL 12/07/2012 Jack Klodzinski, Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise/URS Corporation
Modeling and Visualizing Sustainability in the Bay Area 11/30/2012 Paul Waddell, UC Berkeley
Transit Scheduling/Routing Data Applications 11/16/2012 Ken Zatarain / Bryan Rose, TriMet
Evaluating the Feasibility of Passive Travel Survey collection in a Complex Urban Environment: Lessons Learned from the New York City Case Study 11/09/2012 Cynthia Chen, University of Washington
TriMet CAD / AVL System Data 11/02/2012 Dave Crout and Steve Callas, TriMet
Adjustment Factors for Estimating Miles Traveled by Non-Motorized Traffic 10/26/2012 Greg Lindsey, University of Minnesota
The Use of Science and Adaptive Management to Perfect Wildlife Crossings 10/24/2012 Patricia Cramer, Utah State University
Urban Arterials: Linking Traffic, Transit and Air Quality Data and Performance Measures 10/19/2012 Miguel Figliozzi, Portland State University
Portland Bike Share: How Will Bike Share Work in the Nation's Most Bike Friendly City? 10/12/2012 Steve Hoyt-McBeth, Portland Bureau of Transportation
Retrofitting Urban Arterials Into Complete Streets 10/05/2012 John LaPlante, T.Y. Lin International
Modeling Dependency with Copula: Implications to Engineers and Planners 09/28/2012 Haizhong Wang, Oregon State University
Moving Toward a Sustainable Oregon: The Future of Modeling and Decision Tools 06/08/2012 Beth Wemple, Consultant, Cambridge Systematics; Keith Lawton, Transport Modeling Consultant
Freight Routes: Improving Freight Routing Modeling Capabilities 06/01/2012 Anne Goodchild, University of Washington
GreenSTEP: A Strategic Planning Model for Addressing Transportation Greenhouse Gas Mitigation 05/25/2012 Brian Gregor, Oregon Department of Transportation
Human Transit: Old Principles, New Choices, New Opportunities 05/18/2012 Jarrett Walker, MRCagney
Risk and Uncertainty: All Models Are Wrong But Some Are Useful 05/11/2012 Rick Donnelly, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Low-Stress Bicyling and Bike Network Connectivity 05/04/2012 Peter G. Furth, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University
Land Use Models: An Introduction for Non-Modelers 04/27/2012 Liming Wang, UC Berkeley
Integrated Models: What They Are and How They Help 04/20/2012 Doug Hunt, University of Calgary
Activity and Transportation Models: An Introduction to Travel Models for Non-Modelers 04/13/2012 Ben Stabler, Parsons Brinckerhoff
