Seminar Topic Date Speaker Archive
STARS: Creating Stellar - and Sustainable - Transportation Projects 10/01/2010 Peter Hurley, City of Portland Bureau of Transportation
Attracting the Next 10% of Cyclists with the Right Infrastructure 08/25/2010 Glen Koorey, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Residential Choice Locations - A Search in the Mirror of the Past 06/04/2010 Cynthia Chen, Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington
Developing a Bicyclist Route Choice Model Using GPS Data 05/28/2010 Joe Broach, PhD Student, Urban Studies, Portland State University
Emerging Implications of Electric Bicycles 05/21/2010 Geoff Rose, Director, Institute of Transport Studies and Transport Theme Leader in the Monash Sustainability Institute
The Alameda Corridor – Lessons Learned 05/14/2010 Gill Hicks, Cambridge Systematics
Tappan Zee Bridge - I 287 Corridor Project. A Bridge to the Next Century 05/07/2010 Michael Anderson, NYSDOT
Overcoming Barriers to Bicycling in Low-Income and Minority Communities 04/30/2010 Lynn Weigand, Director, IBPI; Alison Graves, Executive Director, Community Cycling Center
The Next Generation of Adaptive Signal Systems 04/23/2010 Smith Siromaskul, P.E., HDR
Promising Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategies for the Transportation Sector 04/16/2010 Lewison Lem, Principal Consultant and Climate Change Practice Leader, Jack Faucett Associates
Modeling High Speed Rail Ridership and Revenue in California: An Overview 04/09/2010 David Kurth, Cambridge Systematics
Driver Behavior and the Dilemma Zone at High-Speed Signalized Intersections 04/02/2010 David Hurwitz, Assistant Professor, Transportation Engineering, Oregon State University
Comparing Active Transportation Approaches in China and Europe 03/12/2010 Shawn Turner, Program Manager, Texas Transportation Institute, The Texas A&M University System
Adapting Our Transportation System to Climate Change 03/05/2010 Ashley Haire, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Civil Engineering, PSU
Where do we go from here? Changing the state of the practice of pedestrian demand modeling 02/26/2010 Kelly Clifton, PhD, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, PSU
Innovative Solutions for OR 217 02/19/2010 Randy McCourt, President, DKS Associates
Transit Oriented Development 2.0 02/12/2010 Rick Willson, PhD, Professor, Cal Poly Pomona
PlanSafe - Transportation Safety Planning: Forecasting the Safety Impacts in Socio-Demographic Changes and Safety Countermeasures 02/05/2010 Ida van Schalkwyk, PhD, Faculty Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Oregon State University
European Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning (Scan Tour Report) 01/29/2010 Ed Fischer, P.E., State Traffic Engineer, Oregon DOT
Health Benefits of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in our Transportation System 01/22/2010 Mel Rader, Co-Director, Upstream Public Health
Linking Fuel Prices, Transportation, Land Use and Economic Activity: A Review of Empirical Findings 01/15/2010 Hongwei Dong, PhD Student, School of Urban Studies and Planning, PSU
Regional Implications of the Federal Livability Initiative 01/08/2010 Rick Krochalis, Administrator, Region X, FTA
Initial Assessment of Portland's Green Bike Boxes 12/04/2009 Jennifer Dill and Chris Monsere, PSU
Adventures in DC: Getting Washington Perspectives on Transportation Research, Finance, and Policy 11/20/2009 Tony Rufolo, PSU
The Power and Value of 'Green' in Promoting Sustainable Travel Behaviors 11/13/2009 Joan Walker, UC Berkeley
