Seminar Topic Date Speaker Archive
From Planning to Politics: Shaping Regional Transportation Decisions 04/23/2004 Metro Councilor Brian Newman, District 2
Transportation and Streetscape Planning: The Foster Road Planning Process 04/16/2004 Lynn Weigand, Project Manager, Portland Office of Transportation
How to Create a Multimodal Transportation System in the 21st Century 04/09/2004 Dick Feeney, TriMet
FHWA Value Pricing Experience 04/02/2004 Susan Lee, PSU Urban Studies Ph.D. Candidate and FHWA Value Pricing Team
The Economics of Congestion 03/12/2004 Brian Gregor, Oregon Department of Transportation
Terminal Access: Increasing Bike and Pedestrian Access to PDX 03/05/2004 Scott King, Senior Aviation Planner, Port of Portland
Leaving a Legacy through Context Sensitive Solutions 02/27/2004 Marcy Schwartz, Senior Vice President, Director of Transportation Technology, CH2M Hill
Our Coming Dualmode Transportation Revolution 02/20/2004 Francis D. Reynolds, P.E., Transportation Engineer and Futurist
Systems Operations: Focusing the 21st Century DOT 02/13/2004 Stephen C. Lockwood, Vice President, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Safe Routes to School 02/06/2004 Bruce S. Appleyard, Appleyard Associates
Access Management, A Transportation Safety Tool 01/30/2004 Xavier Falconi, Falconi Consulting Services
Light Rail and the American City: the State-of-the-Practice for TOD 01/23/2004 GB Arrington, Senior Professional Associate, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc.
The Transportation Planning Rule in the Portland Region: "Where Are We and How Did We Get Here?" 01/16/2004 Sy Adler and Jennifer Dill, School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University
Fairview Village - Planning (continued) AND Travel Behavior and Attitudes: New Urbanist vs. Traditional Suburban Neighborhoods 12/05/2003 Randy Jones, Holt and Everhart, and Prof. Jennifer Dill, School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University
Fairview Village - Planning and Implementing a New Urbanist Community 11/21/2003 Beth Wemple, Kittelson & Associates
New Highway Capacity Manual Applications Guidebook (HCMAG) 11/14/2003 Wayne Kittelson, Principal, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Looking to TriMet's Future: Corridor Planning and Capacity Analyses 11/07/2003 Alan Lehto, Transit Corridor Planning Manager, and Mark Rohden, Transit Corridor Planner, TriMet
Monitoring Freeway Systems in Real Time Using Existing Single-Loop Detectors 10/31/2003 Yinhai Wang, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Washington
Bicycle Friendly Portland 101 10/24/2003 Phil Goff, City of Portland
Portland Regional Trails Program 10/17/2003 Mel Huie, Metro Regional Trails Coordinator
Modeling Freight & Passenger Rail Capacity in the Interstate 5 Trade Corridor 10/10/2003 Mark Ford and Bill Burgel, HDR
Portland Transportation Update 10/03/2003 Brant Williams, Director, City of Portland Office of Transportation
Car Ownership and Employment 06/06/2003 Kerri Sullivan, Master of Urban and Regional Planning, Portland State University
Portland's Transportation System Plan: Major Themes and Outcomes 05/30/2003 Courtney Duke and Jeanne Harrison, City of Portland, Office of Transportation
From Welfare to Work: The Portland Regional Job Access Program 05/23/2003 Dan Marchand, Master of Urban and Regional Planning, Portland State University
