The Initiative for Bicycle & Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI) has published it’s 2007-2008 Annual Report. IBPI is an exciting new center for research and learning that is focused on bicycle and pedestrian travel. IBPIís goal is to advance bicycling and walking as integral elements of the transportation system in Oregonís communities. It’s programs include research, education, and information-sharing across sectors, interests, and institutions that will enhance policies, programs, and projects focused on promoting bicycle and pedestrian transportation. Portland State Universityís Center for Transportation Studies houses IBPI. The initiative also draws on the resources of its partner institutions at the University of Oregon and Oregon State University and is funded by OTREC and PSU.

The Sustainable Endowments Institute has chosen to honor the University of Oregon’s OTREC supported designBridge program as a Champion of Sustainability in Communities. UO’s designBridge program, a student-run organization that offers environmentally friendly, community-based design-build services to the local area, was named as one of four honorable mentions. designBridge utilizes resources from the UO School of Architecture and Allied Arts, other campus departments and Eugene/Springfield community businesses to work on a variety of service projects, including a seedling greenhouse for Northwest Youth Corps and a bike shelter for Edison Elementary School in Eugene. Assistant Professor of Architecture Nico Larco currently supervises students Drew Hastings (project manager), Nick Wallace, Kent Wu, Truc Bui and Vito Cerelli on the project. Last fall students Patrick Hannah (project manager), J. Ho Lee, Kelley Stewart, Lucas Gray and Paul McBride worked on the designBridge project.

Dr. Larco (left) is pictured standing in a renewed and re-invigorated bicycle parking area at Edison Elementary school in Eugene. designBridge worked with kids, parents, and school administrators to completely re-design this area over the course of the last year. So far this year, bike ridership has doubled and the kids and parents are loving the design work that Nico’s students have done.

OTREC staff, PSUís research and sponsored projects (pre-award), and researching accounting (post-award) staff traveled to Corvallis on October 1, 2008 to meet with our institutional partners at Oregon State University. Faculty members spoke about the progress of their research and education projects. OSU administrators provided additional suggestions for streamlining our processes. OSUís staff received presentations and updates from OTREC’s Program Manager Hau Hagedorn, Director Robert Bertini and Tina Frost finished with a review of the master subcontract. Thank you to our OSU colleagues for hosting this productive meeting!

OTREC staff, accompanied by PSUís research and sponsored projects (pre-award) and research accounting (post-award) staff, traveled to Eugene on September 24, 2008 for a productive meeting with our institutional partners at the University of Oregon. Key UO faculty members provided updates on their research and education projects, and UO departmental and campus-wide administrators provided feedback on the past three RFP rounds and suggestions for further streamlining our processes. Research Program Manager Hau Hagedorn provided the group with information regarding project status updates. Director Robert Bertini reviewed some of the lessons we at OTREC have learned over our past two years of operation as well as looking forward to some of our future plans. Tina Frost wrapped up the presentation by speaking about the master subcontract. We appreciated the opportunity to visit our UO colleagues!

Prof. Anthony M. Rufolo, an OTREC faculty member in the Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies & Planning at Portland State University has accepted a position as a Visiting Scholar at the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of the Secretary during a portion of the 2008-09 academic year. We look forward to hearing about this fascinating experience and important partnership between OTREC and USDOT.

OTREC was pleased to welcome Dr. Melissa S. Tooley, Director of the University Transportation Center for Mobility at Texas A&M University to Portland on September 18, 2008. We appreciated the opportunity to hear more about UTCM and compare notes on research, education and technology transfer accomplishments.

OTREC co-sponsored and faculty were active participants in the Transportation Research Board’s 11th National Conference on Transportation Planning for Small and Medium-Sized Communities, held in Portland September 17-19, 2008 under the auspices of TRB Committee ADA30, Transportation Planning for Small and Medium Sized Communities. OTREC Advisory Board member Tom Schwetz was the conference chair. Also, Prof. Yizhao Yang, University of Oregon, presented Where to Live and How to Get to School: Connecting Residential Location Choice and School Travel; Prof. Marc Schlossberg, University of Oregon, presented Livable Communities, Public Involvement, & Participatory GIS: Computer Assessment Tools for Local Area Analysis; and Prof. Nico Larco, University of Oregon presented Fringe Density: Planning Tips for Overlooked Density in Suburbia. Also Prof. Bertini had the honor to introduce the conference keynote speaker, Sharon Wood Wortman.

It was nothing but sunny skies during PSU President Wim Wiewel’s special Umbrella Tour visit to OTREC and the ITS Lab. Rob Bertini and a number of transportation faculty member briefed the contingent on alternative transportation and traffic control. The participants included: Angela Abel, University Communications; Jeff Austin, Alumni Board President; David Bragdon, Metro Council President; Scott Burns, Geology Professor; Lloyd Daggett, Student Ambassador; Robert Mercer, Faculty Senate President; John Petersen, Foundation Board President; President Wim Wiewel, Portland State University; and Jennifer Williams, University Communications.

Rob Bertini and Hau Hagedorn met with Gail Achterman, Director of the OSU Institute for Natural Resources and Chair of the Oregon Transportation Commission, to provide updates on OTREC and to discuss future research opportunities and partnerships to move towards transportation mobility services. Some view mobility services as a vital piece of transportation sustainability equation.

PSU President Wim Wiewel accompanied by the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science Dean, Dick Knight, stopped by to tour the ITS Lab and visit with OTREC staff and ITS Lab students. President Wim Wiewel started his first day at PSU this past Monday with a bike ride to campus. Pictured from left to right: (back row) Sandeep Puppala, Alex Bigazzi, Melissa Leventhal, Dean Dick Knight, Michael Wolfe, Dr. Robert Bertini (front row) Ocean Ou, Carol Wallace, Dr. Kristin Tufte and President Wim Wiewel.
