Modeling and Analyzing the Impact of Advanced Technologies on Livability and Multimodal Transportation Performance Measures in Arterial Corridors

Miguel Andres Figliozzi
Christopher Monsere
Transit service reliability is important to both passengers and transit agencies. Slow and unreliable transit service may increase transit user costs in the short term and reduce transit mode share and ridership in the long term, which in turn may le ... Read More

Continuous Data Integration for Land Use and Transportation Planning and Modeling

Liming Wang
Since the 1990s, federal legislation and local and state politics have changed the landscape for metropolitan planning of land use and transportation, and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are scrambling to react. There is an urgent need for ... Read More

Lessons from the Green Lanes: Evaluating Protected Bike Lanes in the U.S.

Christopher Monsere
Jennifer Dill , Kelly Clifton , Nathan McNeil
This report presents finding from research evaluating U.S. protected bicycle lanes (cycle tracks) in terms of their use, perception, benefits, and impacts. This research examines protected bicycle lanes in five cities: Austin, TX; Chicago, IL; Portla ... Read More

Improving Adaptive Response Signal Control Performance: Implications of Non-Invasive Detection and Legacy Timing Practices

Sirisha Kothuri
This research will develop a realistic installation guideline that supports the requirements of advance traffic signal controller operations, hybrid detection installations, and non-invasive detection optimization. This guideline shall provide protot ... Read More

Safety Impacts of Intersection Sight Distance

Christopher Monsere
Research questions include: How does intersection sight distance (ISD) impact crashes? How can temporal variations in ISD (e.g., foliage) be quantified? Should quality of ISD and the presence of objects to judge depth perception be considered? How do ... Read More

Toward Effective Design Treatments for Right-Turns at Intersections with Bicycle Traffic

Christopher Monsere
The overall goal of the proposed research is to quantify the safety performance of alternative traffic control strategies to mitigate right-turning vehicle-bicycle crashes at intersections in Oregon. ... Read More

Inclusive planning to evaluate improved non-emergency medical transportation services for patients with End Stage Renal Disease

Jenny Liu
The objective of the project is to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of non-emergency medical transportation services (NEMT). The first objective of this project was to design a framework that could be used to evaluate the effectiveness and ... Read More

Exploring Racial Bias in Drivers' Behavior at Pedestrian Crossings

Kimberly Kahn
Racial minorities are disproportionately represented in pedestrian traffic fatalities, indicating a significant public health and safety issue. Psychological and social identity-related factors have previously been shown to influence drivers’ behav ... Read More

Improved Safety Performance Functions for Signalized Intersections in Oregon

Christopher Monsere
The objective of the research is to develop more reliable ways to assess signalized intersection safety in Oregon so that ODOT and other agencies can allocate funding resources towards effective intersection safety configurations for both new and exi ... Read More

Understanding the Transit-Dependent Population

Jennifer Dill
Lisa Bates
Public transit in metropolitan areas serves multiple and sometimes competing objectives. Increased attention on "choice" riders and transit as an economic development tool has shifted resources towards suburb-serving rail systems at the expense of in ... Read More

Studying the Effects of Traffic-Calming Bicycle Boulevards on Physical Activity and Active Transportation

Jennifer Dill
Nathan McNeil
The purpose of this project was to evaluate the effects of new bicycle boulevards in Portland, OR on physical activity for recreation and transportation for families with children. Data was collected pre- and post-boulevards, roughly one year apart. ... Read More

Peak of the Day or the Daily Slog: Commuting and Subjective Well-Being

Oliver Smith
To understand the impact of daily travel on personal and societal well-being, researchers are developing measurement techniques that go beyond satisfaction-based measures of travel. Metrics related Subjective Well-Being (SWB), defined as an evaluatio ... Read More
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