PORTAL: Transportation Data Archive for Portland-Vancouver
PORTAL provides a centralized, electronic database that facilitates the collection, archiving, and sharing of transportation data and information for public agencies. The data stored in PORTAL includes 20-second granularity loop detector data from freeways in the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan region, arterial signal data, travel time data, weather data, incident data, VAS/VMS message data, truck volumes, transit data, and arterial signal data. Many of these data feeds are received by PORTAL in real time or on a daily basis and for most, the retrieval and archiving process is fully automated.
PORTAL’s transportation data archive aims to support Metro’s Regional Transportation Plan, the production of regional performance measures, support for regional transportation agencies and their consultants, researchers, educators, and students. In collaboration with our many partners, we also maintain a PORTAL Users Group that meets monthly (join the PUG mailing list here) and a PORTAL User Documentation site.
Questions or feedback about the API, the PORTAL website, or the Documentation? Contact us at askportal@pdx.edu