Researchers interested in NITC's newest pooled fund project, "Exploring Data Fusion Techniques to Derive Bicycle Volumes on a Network," are invited to join us for an informational conference call, hosted through GoToMeeting.
The first half of the meeting will consist of an overview of the project, followed by a 30-35 minute Q&A. Preview the slides for more information, and for more details about joining the GoToMeeting session.
Active transport modes such as bicycling are associated with many advantages including lower congestion and emission levels and improvement in personal health. Many cities are interested in increasing bicycle activity to take advantage of these benefits. To understand if their municipal efforts are successful in increasing bicycle activity, cities require accurate accounting of bicycle traffic. Since directly observing counts are expensive, these data continue to be limited to a few points on a network. As a result, data fusion from various sources, such as manual counts, short duration counts, continuous counts, crowdsourced data (e.g., strava, ride report), bike share flows, surveys, and models, has to occur to achieve network coverage for bicycle counts.
Principal Investigators from NITC's consortium of universities are invited to submit proposals for this project. Read more and submit your proposal by October 1, 2018 here.
Hau Hagedorn, Transportation Research & Education Center (TREC)
Hau Hagedorn is the Interim Director of TREC at Portland State University and manages several large research programs, including the National Institute of Transportation and Communities (NITC) and the Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI). Through IBPI, Hau coordinates workshops that help provide training to practicing bicycle-pedestrian professionals and more recently training university faculty on integrating bicycle and pedestrian topics into their curriculum.
Josh Roll, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)
Josh Roll is the Active and Sustainable Transportation Research Coordinator for the Oregon Department of Transportation, where he coordinates and conducts research. Josh has experience in most elements of the analysis process, starting with data collection and wrangling, data processing and cleaning, visualization and data exploration and finally model development. Josh has experience in model system application as well, having developed and applied land use, travel and air quality model systems including Land Use Developer using R(LUSDR), JEMnR, GreenSTEP, and EPA MOVES.
The National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC), one of five U.S. Department of Transportation national university transportation centers, is a program of the Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at Portland State University. The NITC program is a Portland State-led partnership with the University of Oregon, Oregon Institute of Technology, University of Utah and new partners University of Arizona and University of Texas at Arlington. We pursue our theme — improving mobility of people and goods to build strong communities — through research, education and technology transfer.