OTREC's Schlossberg gives USDOT lecture

OTREC executive committee member Marc Schlossberg of University of Oregon will present a lecture June 19 for the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration in Washington, D.C. Schlossberg will offer insights into the Sustainable Cities Initiative as part of the U.S. DOT's Transportation Innovation Series.
The Sustainable Cities Initiative at the University of Oregon promotes education, service, public outreach and research on the design and development of sustainable cities. The initiative's Sustainable City Year program puts the institutional resources of the University of Oregon to use solving the problems of a single Oregon city. Each year, the program connects around 30 courses across a dozen disciplines and involves more than 500 students. Students work to address projects identified by city staff.
Schlossberg's lecture will provide details on the educational model, explain how the model works and provide details on how it could change higher education to meet transportaiton needs.
Click here for details on the lecture.
More information on the Sustainable Cities Initiative is here.