Spring 2021 PSU Graduate Courses in Transportation

The 2021 Spring term at Portland State University starts March 29, and since it's all online this term for everyone - Why not take a class? You don't have to be a current PSU student, or even live in Portland.
Below are Spring 2021 transportation graduate courses. Students can register online; if you are not a current PSU graduate student, you can still take these courses through the non-degree application process or as a post-baccalaureate student. Taking a course is one way to see if one of our PSU graduate degree programs is right for you!
Civil and Environmental Engineering*
*Non-degree or non-PSU students should contact the Civil Engineering Academic Program Manager in order to register for a CEE course, as the system requires an approval to process the registration.
CE 410/510 New & Emerging Technologies in Transportation
Instructor: John MacArthur
This course provides an interdisciplinary overview of the way technology is evolving and expanding transportation choices, impacting both the mobility of people and goods. The concepts of shared mobility, micromobility, electrification and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) are explored. An introduction to connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) is presented, covering both the technological developments and the potential secondary impacts of CAVs on cities if/when they are deployed. The deployment of technologies and services are examined through policy, planning and engineering lens, and will include the environmental and social implications.Prerequisite: CE 351
CE 450/550 Transportation Safety Analysis
Instructor: Christopher Monsere
Incorporating safety in highway engineering and transportation planning that includes highway design, operation, and maintenance, as well as human factors, statistical analysis, traffic control and public policy. Design concepts of intersections, interchanges, signals, signs and pavement markings; analyzing data sets for recommendations and prioritization; principles of driver and vehicle characteristics in relation to the roadway.Prerequisite: CE 351
Urban Studies and Planning
USP 465/565 Pedestrian And Bicycle Planning
Instructor: Drusilla van Hengel
Examines the importance of walking and bicycling as means of transportation in a sustainable urban environment. Covers planning, design, implementation, and maintenance of bikeways and walkways, as well as ancillary facilities such as bicycle parking. Focus on the role of education, advocacy and outreach in improving walking and bicycling conditions. Study relevant examples from various cities, with heavy emphasis on Portland's experience.USP 548 Public Transportation Planning
Instructor: Aaron Golub
Public transit ridership and investments have been growing for the past two decades as regions around the world grapple with worsening congestion, growing concerns about climate change, health, and social equity, and a reinvigoration of urban living and sustainable lifestyles. This course will introduce students to processes, policies and rules concerning the planning of public transit systems and the development of new transit investments, focusing mostly on buses and light rail.USP 570 Transportation & Land Use
Instructor: Liming Wang
An analysis of transportation and land use interactions in urban areas. The impact of highway and transit changes on travel behavior, locational decisions, and urban form are examined.Recommended prerequisites: USP 515 and 544
Alternative Education Opportunities for Lifelong Learning
Friday Transportation Seminar, Instructors Vary
Ongoing, no application required
Not able to commit to a full semester of a class but still interested in lifelong learning in transportation? Our longstanding online series, the Friday Transportation Seminar, is open to the public for free and offers unique insights into a wide variety of niche transportation topics taught by PSU researchers and guest speakers. Join for one or many! Recordings are made available after; see our archive here.
The Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at Portland State University is home to the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC), the Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI), and other transportation programs. TREC produces research and tools for transportation decision makers, develops K-12 curriculum to expand the diversity and capacity of the workforce, and engages students and professionals through education.