Webinar: Evaluation of an Electric Bike Pilot Project in Portland, Oregon

Thursday, April 21, 2016, 10:00am to 11:00am PDT
John MacArthur, Sustainable Transportation 
Program Manager, TREC at Portland State University

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Oregon, and Portland in particular, is internationally known for its love for bikes. Not only does the region have some of the highest bike ridership in the nation but the Oregon bike manufacturing industry is quickly growing as well. Oregon’s electric bike (e-bike) market is also growing, but little data are available on the potential market and e-bike user behavior and interest.

Only a limited amount of research has explored the potential new market segments for e-bikes and the economic, operational, safety, and transportation issues surrounding e-bikes in the United States. This webinar will present findings from a research project evaluating e-bike use at three Kaiser Permanente employment centers in the Portland region.

The project's primary goal was to test user acceptance of electric-assist folding bicycles as a commuting solution.

John MacArthur is the principal investigator in the current e-bike research at Portland State University. He's been the Sustainable Transportation Program Manager at TREC of PSU since 2009 and has undertaken several research projects involving low-/no-emission vehicle infrastructure in Portland metro area, as well as a climate change impact assessment for surface transportation in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Before joining the TREC staff, John was the Context Sensitive and Sustainable Solutions Program Manager for the OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program. He earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Lehigh University and an M.S. in Environmental Health Sciences from the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health.
