NITC invites new pooled-fund research problem statements
To help maximize the US Department of Transportation’s commitment to livable communities, NITC has opened a second round of funding for the Transportation for Livable Communities Pooled-Fund Research program.
This program gives regional and local agencies more opportunity to be invested in research with a national impact. Through the program, cities, counties, MPOs and other regional or local agencies can pool research dollars to leverage NITC funds for a single project.
We are currently seeking partners to identify research needs. In the second round of Pooled-Fund Research, partnering agencies will work with NITC staff to develop a clear problem statement.
Once the research problem statement is identified, NITC will issue a request for proposals (RFP) to faculty and investigators at our partner universities.
Who can submit?
Any agency such as a city, metropolitan planning organization, county, transit agency, etc. can submit research problem statements relating to NITC’s theme of livability, incorporating safety and environmental sustainability. NITC expects that the agency or group of agencies submitting a problem statement will pool funds to contribute to half the cost of the project and be a member of the technical advisory committee.
We are asking that agency partners provide non-federal dollars that can be used to match the NITC contribution up to $100,000. Once a problem statement is selected, match must be secured by June 15th, 2015. For more information, download the research problem statement solicitation.