PSU Transportation Students Take Home the Oregon ITE Traffic Bowl Trophy
![STEP - 2019 Oregon ITE Traffic Bowl Winners.jpg](
Last week the Portland State University’s Students in Transportation Engineering and Planning (STEP-ITE) group competed in the 28th annual Bill Kloos Traffic Bowl Competition held by Oregon ITE.
Competition in this trivia-based challenge was fierce, but the PSU student team took first place against the ITE student chapters of Oregon State University, Oregon Tech, and the University of Washington. In addition to bragging rights, they won a $500 cash prize that will go towards supporting STEP student activities for PSU transportation students.
Portland State University 2019 Team
- STEP President Nicholas Puczkowskyj | PhD Candidate, Urban Studies
- STEP VP Finance Rohan Sirupa | Graduate Student, Civil Engineering
- STEP VP Communications Katherine Keeling | Graduate Student, Civil Engineering
- STEP VP Events Gabby Galvez | Undergraduate Student, Civil Engineering
- STEP VP Creativity Polina Polikahina | Undergraduate Student, Civil Engineering
Photo Credit: Oregon ITE Chapter
In addition to this annual event, Oregon ITE also offers support through their annual Oregon ITE Scholarship for undergraduate and graduate students in Oregon as well as the annual Bill Kloos Scholarship. PSU students have earned recognition for their creative videos for the Bill Kloos Scholarship:
- 2018-2019 (Honorable Mention): If the MUTCD Made a Dating App by Katherine Keeling
- 2017-2018: Mitigating Environmental Impacts of Transportation Investments by Jadon Clifton
- 2016-2017 (Honorable Mention): The Roundabout Song by Joe Totten
- 2012-2013 (Honorable Mention): Red Extensions by Pat Marnell
Students in Transportation Engineering and Planning (STEP) is Portland State University's ITE student chapter. The chapter facilitates relationships between transportation students from different disciplines, both within PSU and with other universities, with the goal of providing the opportunities that would be support students in pursuit of academic studies and professional aspirations.
Learn more about Portland State University transportation students and their accomplishments here.
The Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at Portland State University is home to the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC), the Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI), and other transportation programs. TREC produces research and tools for transportation decision makers, develops K-12 curriculum to expand the diversity and capacity of the workforce, and engages students and professionals through education.