Portland State University Transportation Research Highlights at TRB 2020
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The 99th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) will be held in Washington, D.C. January 12–16, and TREC will be there in force, as is our tradition. Portland State University is sending 14 faculty and staff to present their expertise at TRB, and you can download our full guide here:
Here are some highlights of lectern presentations:
- Monday, 10:15 AM, Addressing Equity in a Changing World – Aaron Golub and Nathan McNeil of the Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies & Planning (USP) will present in lectern session 1166 on Addressing Changing Demographics in Environmental Justice Analysis: Review of Demographic Trends and State of Practice.
- Tuesday, 8:00 AM, Bicycling Toward Equity: Opportunities, Barriers, and Policies for Vulnerable Groups – Jennifer Dill, Nathan McNeil, John MacArthur and Joseph Broach (USP) will present in lectern session 1394 on Bicycling and Bikeshare among Women of Color in 3 US Cities: Barriers and Opportunities , and John MacArthur, Nathan McNeil, Austin Cummings and Joseph Broach (USP) will present on Adaptive Bike Share: Expanding Bike Share to People with Disabilities and Older Adults.
- Tuesday, 10:15 AM, Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Critical Evaluation of Bikeway Rating Methods and Cyclist Typologies – Kelly Clifton of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) will present in lectern session 1465 on A Grounded Theory Approach to Understanding Bicyclists Interactions on Unprotected Facilities: A Proof of Concept From Munich, Germany, and Chris Monsere (CEE) and Nathan McNeil (USP) will present on User-Rated Comfort and Preference of Separated Bike Lane Intersection Designs.
- Drones! You can see what PSU researchers are doing in the realm of unmanned aerial vehicles in three sessions:
- Monday, 1:30 PM, Automated Transportation and Shared Mobility (Session 1237) – Darshan Rajesh Chauhan, Avinash Unnikrishnan and Miguel Figliozzi (CEE), on Robust Maximum Coverage Facility Problem with Drones Considering Uncertainties in Battery Availability and Consumption.
- Tuesday, 10:15 AM, Methods for Assessing Alternative Delivery Approaches (Session 1474) – Avinash Unnikrishnan (CEE) will present on Electric Vehicle Travelling Salesman Problem with Drone.
- Tuesday, 1:30 PM, Autonomous Vehicles, Drones, Robots, and Home Delivery (Session 1546) – Dylan Jennings and Miguel Figliozzi (CEE) will present on Can Autonomous Delivery Robots Reduce Last Mile Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions?
- And more! Download the PSU at TRB Guide (PDF) to learn more.
PSU students continue to build on a reputation for accomplishment in transportation research. It's a point of pride for faculty members to see their students sharing the stage with the country's top researchers, said TREC Director Jennifer Dill. "It reflects not only the high quality of our students, but the value our faculty see in involving students in research and having them take leadership roles." PSU students are lead or co-authors on 10 papers, and we have 12 PSU students headed to TRB to present, including STEP student leader Katherine Keeling who will be presenting in a lectern session (Session 1616, Current Research in Agriculture and Food Transportation, Tuesday, 3;45) on E-Grocery Home Delivery Impacts on Food Access and Equity: a Portland Case Study.
And of course, lots of research poster sessions where you can chat with the researchers about their work.
Join us Monday, Jan 13th at 8:00 PM for a reception hosted by our research consortium, the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC). The NITC program is a Portland State-led partnership with the Oregon Institute of Technology, University of Arizona, University of Oregon, University of Texas at Arlington and University of Utah.
The Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at Portland State University is home to the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC), the Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI), and other transportation programs. TREC produces research and tools for transportation decision makers, develops K-12 curriculum to expand the diversity and capacity of the workforce, and engages students and professionals through education.