TRB 2020: Highlights from Portland State University

Photos by Cait McCusker
Portland State continued our tradition of standing out at last month's annual gathering of the Transportation Research Board (TRB). We've collected some highlight stories as well as posters and presentations of Portland State University research presented at the conference. Explore the links below to see what PSU researchers brought to D.C. this year, and read about some student and faculty accomplishments at the nation's largest transportation research conference.
We've also collected our best photos—Check out our TRB 2020 photo album here.
- Gabby Abou-Zeid won Top Ranked Masters Fellowship for the Eisenhowers Fellows
- Baxter Shandobil and Kelly Clifton won Best in Session from #TRBAM Public Transportation Planning and Development Committee (AP025)
- As co-author, Sirisha Kothuri won the AHB50 2019 Best Paper Award with a younger member. First author Hisham Jashami (Oregon State PhD student). Also co-authored by Chris. Evaluation of Driver Comprehension of FYA Permissive Right Turns.
- Jennifer Dill, Joe Broach, Nathan McNeil, and John MacArthur won "Highest Score for Presentation" award from the TRB Bike Committee for Bicycling and Bike Share for Women of Color
- Jennifer Dill met with Earl Blumenauer on Thursday of TRB
- PSU alum Tara Goddard won 2019 ANB10 Best Paper Award on whether news coverage affects perceived blame (building on the 2018 Best Paper research)
- PSU alum Patrick Singleton was featured in this Forbes article after sharing his research at TRB on teleportation / the joy in traveling by foot and bike.
- Eisenhower Fellowships Awarded to Nine Portland State University Students who traveled to TRB this year.
Explore the links below to see the posters and presentations from Portland State University researchers and their collaborators. PSU researchers work with a wide variety of other universities and agenices to share expertise and generate new ideas.
- Addressing Changing Demographics in Environmental Justice Analysis by Fleming El-Amin, Aaron Golub and Les Brown
- Adaptive Bike Share - Expanding Bike Share to People with Disabilities and Older Adults by John MacArthur, Nathan McNeil, Austin Cummings and Joseph Broach
- Bicycling and Bikeshare among Women of Color in 3 US Cities - Barriers and Opportunities by Jennifer Dill, Nathan McNeil, John MacArthur and Joseph Broach
- Can Autonomous Delivery Robots Reduce Last-Mile Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions by Dylan Jennings and Miguel Figliozzi
- Electric Vehicle Travelling Salesman Problem with Drone by Tengkuo Zhu, Stephen D. Boyles and Avinash Unnikrishnan
- A Grounded Theory Approach to Understanding Bicyclists Interactions on Unprotected Facilities- A Proof of Concept From Munich, Germany by Cat Silva, Ing. Rolf Moeckel and Kelly Clifton
- A Portrait of Zero-Car and Car-Owning Household Mobility Trends in the United States- Insights from the 2009 and 2017 National Household Travel Survey by Gabriella Abou-Zeid
- Robust Maximum Coverage Facility Problem with Drones Considering Uncertainties in Battery Availability and Consumption by Darshan R. Chauhan, Avinash Unnikrishnan, Miguel Figliozzi and Stephen D. Boyles
- User-Rated Comfort and Preference of Separated Bike Lane Intersection Designs by Chris Monsere, Nathan McNeil and Rebecca Sanders
- Ambulance Location Optimization Incorporating O-D Travel Time Variability- A Case Study of Delhi by Shayesta Wajid, N. Nezamuddin and Avinash Unnikrishnan
- Evaluating Third-Party Data for Statewide Traffic Volume Estimation by Josh Roll and Joseph Broach
- Examining Impacts of Overlapping Bus Services on Dwell Times and Bunching by Travis Glick, Miguel Figliozzi and Miles Crumley
- Exploratory Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Bicycle-Vehicle Conflicts Using the Surrogate Safety Assessment Model by Brendan J. Russo, David M. Lemcke, Emmanuel James, Edward J. Smaglik, Yi Wang and Christopher M. Monsere
- Exploring the Characteristics of Light Electric Vehicle Performance in Urban Logistics by Mojdeh Azad, Christopher R. Cherry, John MacArthur and William Rose
- Do Bicycles Reduce Passenger Car Travel Speeds on Urban Roads without Bicycle Lanes? Evidence from Roadways in Portland by Jaclyn S. Schaefer, Miguel A. Figliozzi and Avinash Unnikrishnan
- Nonlinearities In The Relationship Between The Built Environment And Metropolitan Structure With Automobile And Walking Modal Share by Jaime Orrego-Oñate and Kelly J. Clifton
- Predicting Crashes by Applying Machine Learning on New Sources of Driver Behaviour Data by Gareth Robins, Salvador Hernandez and Jason Anderson
- Spatial and Temporal Differences in Weekday Travel Durations between Private-for-Hire Transportation Services and Transit in the City Center by Baxter Shandobil, Kelly Clifton and Ty Lazarchik
The Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at Portland State University is home to the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC), the Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI), and other transportation programs. TREC produces research and tools for transportation decision makers, develops K-12 curriculum to expand the diversity and capacity of the workforce, and engages students and professionals through education.