Students from area high schools explored the sustainable transportation research Portland State University is known for during tours Feb. 11-12. The tours, led by the researchers themselves, were part of the Portland State High School Innovation Challenge competition.

Groups from Grant and Franklin high schools in Portland heard from TREC researchers and got behind-the-scenes looks at the technology behind transportation systems. John MacArthur, Sirisha Kothuri, Alex Bigazzi, Miguel Figliozzi and Krista Nordback shared their research and insights.

Student teams from nine teams will now work on proposals to solve a problem related to this year’s theme, smart cities. The teams work with Portland State student mentors majoring in engineering or computer science. Teams will compete and present their final projects before judges in early April.

Now in its third year, the competition was designed to provide a first look at engineering for high school students, particularly those who previously hadn’t considered the field. The competition focuses on the ways engineering and design can help people and solve real-world problems.

Participants in...

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This one-week residence camp offers any student entering the 9–12 grade who identifies as female an immersive introduction to the workings of the Portland transportation system.

Half of each day is spent in the classroom hearing from PSU faculty and guest lecturers from ODOT, the FHWA, the Portland Bureau of Transportation, TriMet, the Port of Portland, and various other public and private transportation agencies that operate in the Portland metro area.

The other half is spent outside, in field tours of Portland’s transportation infrastructure and public spaces. Planners, engineers and designers come from all over the country to see Portland’s unique transportation system in action, and researchers use it as a testing ground for the most innovative solutions in safety, sustainability and livable efficiency. 

Students will work in groups to solve a real-world transportation problem and use the skills they have gained to present a solution at the end of the camp.


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Due to the global pandemic and the need to keep our communities safe from COVID-19, we are transitioning from a one-week residential camp to a four-week virtual camp, with online sessions each Monday and Wednesday morning. We will provide updates as we continue to develop the curriculum and structure of this brand-new virtual camp!

We'll hear from PSU faculty and professionals from public and private transportation agencies that operate in the Portland metro area. We're also incorporating some outdoor activities to help improve students' awareness and familiarity with infrastructure and data collection.


  • Introduce you to professionals in transportation
  • Learn about the broad range of transportation careers and sectors
  • Understand the social justice and equity issues within transportation and how it relates to you, your family and your neighborhood
  • Introduce you to transportation systems in Portland
  • Connect with other high school students who are passionate about careers in transportation too
  • Have fun!


This agenda is still being developed and is subject to change.

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Due to the global pandemic and the need to keep our communities safe from COVID-19, we are transitioning from a one-week residential camp to a four-week virtual camp, with online sessions each Monday and Wednesday morning. We will provide updates as we continue to develop the curriculum and structure of this brand-new virtual camp!

We'll hear from PSU faculty and professionals from public and private transportation agencies that operate in the Portland metro area. We're also incorporating some outdoor activities to help improve students' awareness and familiarity with infrastructure and data collection.


  • Introduce you to professional women in transportation
  • Learn about the broad range of transportation careers and sectors
  • Understand the social justice and equity issues within transportation and how it relates to you, your family and your neighborhood
  • Introduce you to transportation systems in Portland
  • Connect with other high school students who are passionate about careers in transportation too
  • Have fun! 


This agenda is still being developed and is subject to change.

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Registration is open to female and female-identified students currently in high school.

The spatial mapping of events has been evolving as a major method of analysis for centuries. Join us at this one-day workshop for high school girls to become familiar with these concepts, by working with vehicle crash data from the City of Portland.

The workshop, held in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) lab of PSU’s Engineering Building, consists of a morning instruction session and an afternoon applied activity using their newfound GIS skills. Students will be introduced to the basic elements of ArcGIS — including importing data, exploring the variables and searching through the spatial database, and processing the data in different ways.

The day also includes a lunchtime walking tour of active transportation infrastructure around the Portland State University campus. By the end of the day you will have a working understanding of spatial mapping and new ideas for how you can apply them to your city! 

Questions?  Contact us at


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Registration is open to female and female-identified students in Oregon who will be current high school students in the Fall of 2018.

For the third year in a row, we're hosting an Oregon Summer Transportation Institute (OSTI) for high school girls. This two-week residence camp offers any student entering the 9–12 grade who identifies as female an immersive introduction to the workings of the Portland transportation system.

Half of each day is spent in the classroom hearing from PSU faculty and guest lecturers from ODOT, the FHWA, the Portland Bureau of Transportation, TriMet, the Port of Portland, and various other public and private transportation agencies that operate in the Portland metro area.

The other half is spent outside, in field tours of Portland’s transportation infrastructure and public spaces. Planners, engineers and designers come from all over the country to see Portland’...

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Transportation Training for High School Girls - GIS ChickTech Workshop at Portland State University

This annual event is hosted at Portland State University by event partners Transportation Research and Education Center at PSU and ChickTech


Mapping and spatial analysis has been evolving as an important field of study for centuries. In contemporary times, we refer to it as “GIS”, which stands for Geographic Information Science. Join us at this one-day workshop for high school girls to become familiar with creating and interpreting maps and doing spatial analysis, by working with vehicle crash data from the City of Portland. 

The workshop, held in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) lab of PSU’s Engineering Building, consists of a morning instruction session and an afternoon applied activity using your newfound GIS skills. Students will be introduced to the basic elements of ArcGIS — including importing data, exploring spatial databases, and visualizing data in different ways through map design. Students will get to make their own interactive web maps using data from their city and neighborhoods.

The day also includes a walking tour of the Portland State University campus to get a real world look at how the transportation issues we learn about in class play out on the ground. By the end of the day you will have a working understanding of GIS and mapping and new ideas for how...

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Transportation Training for High School Girls - GIS Day Camp at Portland State University



Maps have been used for centuries to help humans understand our world. In contemporary times, we use a mapping technology known as “GIS”, which stands for Geographic Information Science. GIS is rooted in the science of geography, and uses many of the same skills of ancient map makers, now enhanced by the use of state of the art digital technology and software. Join us at this one week day camp for high school girls to become familiar with GIS by creating and interpreting maps and doing spatial analysis, using data from the City of Portland to visualize some compelling urban transportation issues.

The day camp, held in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) lab of PSU’s Engineering Building, consists of lectures, instruction sessions, field work, and applied activity all related to GIS and transportation issues. The class will have a special focus on transportation equity and accessibility for all. Students will be introduced to fundamental topics around transportation such as safety, infrastructure, accessibility, and equity. They will also learn geographic concepts such as latitude and longitude, scale, and map elements, as well as the basics of ArcGIS — importing data, exploring spatial databases, and visualizing data in different ways through map design. Students will get to make their own print and interactive web maps using data from their city and neighborhoods.

The camp also includes a field trip where students will...

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