338 Results

Active Transportation Return on Investment Study

Jennifer Dill
Jenny Liu , Marisa Zapata
The Active Transportation Return on Investment (ATROI) study aimed to provide a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the benefits of active transportation infrastructure in the Portland, OR region. The study used a selection of projects constru ... Read More

Bi-objective Optimization for Battery Electric Bus Deployment Considering Cost and Environmental Equity

Xiaoyue Cathy Liu
Aaron Golub , Ran Wei
Led by Xiaoyue Cathy Liu of the University of Utah, researchers have created a web-based modeling tool that enables U.S. transit providers to explore the impacts of changing over their systems to battery electric buses, or BEBs. The researchers ran ... Read More

Methodologies to Quantify Transit Performance Metrics at the System-Level

Travis Glick
Performance metrics have typically focused at two main scales: a microscopic scale that focuses on specific locations, time-periods, and trips; and, a macroscopic scale that averages metrics over longer times, entire routes, and networks. When applie ... Read More

National Scan of Bike Share Equity Programs

John MacArthur
Nathan McNeil , Joe Broach
As bike share systems around the United States have grown in number and size in recent years, there has been an increasing effort to ensure that those systems are accessible to all residents, particularly those who have the fewest resources or have b ... Read More

Effect of Residential Street Speed Limit Reduction from 25 to 20 mi/hr on Driving Speeds in Portland, Oregon

Christopher Monsere
Sirisha Kothuri , Jason Anderson
In 2015, the City of Portland adopted Vision Zero's objective of eliminating transportation-related fatalities and serious injuries. Speed, through analysis of crash data, was determined to be a contributing factor in 47% of the fatal crashes observe ... Read More

Novel Approaches to Model Travel Behavior and Sustainability Impacts of E-Bike Use

John MacArthur
Christopher Cherry
Electric bikes (e-bikes) are a new mode of transportation that could substantially improve efficiency in the transportation system if adopted as substitutes for cars. Researchers at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Portland State University, and ... Read More

NSF Collaborative Research: Non-Additive Network Routing and Assignment Models

Avinash Unnikrishnan
Network assignment models are widely used to study the flow of commodities on infrastructure with a network structure (such as roadway drivers or freight shipments) and form the basis of transportation planning for urban areas. Currently, most networ ... Read More

Suburban Black Poverty in East Portland: The Role of Transportation in Making Ends Meet

Steven Howland
Portland has faced a mass displacement of Black households from the historically segregated area of Albina through various phases of urban renewal, urban deterioration, and gentrification. A substantial number of them have moved to East Portland, a s ... Read More

Land Use and Transportation Policies for a Sustainable Future with Autonomous Vehicles: Scenario Analysis with Simulations

Liming Wang
Yao-Jan Wu
Even though there are tremendous uncertainties in the timing and evolution path of the Autonomous Vehicles (AV) technology, it may become a likely reality within most MPOs' long-range regional transportation plan horizon of twenty years. Yet a recent ... Read More

Bicycle Detection and Feedback Assessment

Christopher Monsere
David Hurwitz , Sirisha Kothuri
Bicycling is increasing in the United States -- the number of trips made by bicycle more than doubled from 1.7 billion trips in 2001 to 4 billion in 2009 (National Household Travel Survey, 2009). With the increase in bicycling rates, there is a criti ... Read More

Addressing Oregon’s Rise in Deaths and Serious Injuries for Senior Drivers and Pedestrians

Christopher Monsere
Sirisha Kothuri , Jason Anderson , David Hurwitz
The research reviewed best practices, identified overrepresentations of serious crashes involving older drivers and pedestrians using Oregon crash data, and mapped the best practices and countermeasures. From 2013 to 2016, there were 884 older driver ... Read More

Policy Implications of ORS 366.514 -- The Oregon Bike Bill

Hau Hagedorn
Driving is ubiquitous, convenient, and the default transportation mode choice for most Americans. While driving is convenient and efficient, vehicle emissions contribute to significant congestion and high concentrations of greenhouse gases. The Orego ... Read More
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